Part 26 (1/2)
”Does she--do they--will you give us wine of any kind?”
”Miss Cabot does not care for champagne; and Mr. Enslee--did you say he would be of the party?”
Forbes had not said it, and he flushed to think that everybody, even a head waiter, must be linking Persis' name with Enslee's. But more than ever now he must make sure not to give a shabby meal. Meanwhile he answered the question with a casual nod:
”Yes, Mr. Enslee will be here.”
Fernand spoke with indulgent pity: ”Mr. Enslee takes usually only a highball of the Scotch. But I think you could tempt them both with a little sherry--for the sake of the berd. I have a sherry that is delicious.”
”How much delicious?” Forbes asked, trying to be flippant at his own funeral.
”Eight dollars the bottle. But very fine! They would all like it very much.”
At the mention of a concrete price Forbes grew uneasy, and asked outright: ”Could you tell me how much--about how much this luncheon is going to cost me?”
Forbes felt ashamed of discussing prices, though many a richer man, especially Enslee, would have fought all along the line and delivered an oration on the extortions of restaurateurs. But Fernand began to compute:
”Let me see; seven c.o.c.ktels at twenty-five is one-seventy-five. Caviar would be one-twenty-five per person; for seven would be eight-seventy-five. The _puree St.-Germain_ we shall make it special--say, about five dollars. I should recommend the _poulet de grain aux cepes_; it is two-fifty per person. You do not really need any _legumes_, except the asparagus. Oh, this morning what asparagus! I saw it! Asparagus, yes?” Forbes nodded desperately. ”That will be seven dollars more; but then you will not wish _salade_--no, you will not wish _salade_, though the endive is--no, we will not have endive. For the sweet would you wish special favors? No, it is too much; the Nesselrode pudding is nice. Miss Cabot adores the marrons--good! We might serve cheese, though it is too much. But we will have it ready. Then the coffee is special, and a liqueur, perhaps--yes? Miss Cabot likes the white mint. There will be some cigars for the gentlemen, of course--and the ladies will take their cigarettes with their coffee down the steps here, I presume. Now, let me see.” He mumbled his addition a moment, then broke the news. ”That makes--about fifty-four-seventy-five. Yes--ah no! we have not added the sherry--one bottle, perhaps two. So you see, Monsieur, it will come only to sixty--sixty-five dollars--roughly.”
Forbes thought the word ”roughly” appropriate. In his soul there was a sound like the last sough of water in an emptying bathtub. He added mentally the ten dollars he had given Fernand, and the ten dollars he must give the waiter. He wondered if he looked as sick as he felt; as sick as his hundred dollars would look. He had cherished a mad fancy for inviting everybody to dinner, the theater, and a tango supper. If his modest luncheon put him where it did, he wondered where such an evening would have left him. From this point of view he was escaping cheaply.
Anyway, he had crossed the Rubicon. He was too poor to be able to afford to skimp. If he had been an Enslee Estate, he could have offered his guests toast and distilled water without being suspected of poverty.
And once committed to the course he had chosen, he would have beggared his family rather than stint his hospitality. He was a gentleman; a fool, perhaps, but a gentleman.
He gave Fernand the order to go ahead. Fernand was upset by the brevity of the time allotted him, but promised to do his best. Forbes cast his eye about for a good table. Fernand put up his hand:
”Miss Cabot has her favorite table. You shall have that, also her captain and her waiter.”
Forbes remembered Persis' warning.
”But this luncheon is really in honor of Mrs. Neff,” he said.
”Ah, in that case you will want her table. She prefers the opposite side, nearer the band.”
Forbes, having a little while to kill, set out for a stroll round the block. It came to him suddenly that the precious hundred dollars he had drawn to make a good show would evaporate and leave almost nothing. He went to his bank and wrote a check for fifty dollars more. As he stood waiting at the paying-teller's grill he felt as if he were a forger taking money he had no right to. But the teller expressed no surprise.
When Forbes returned to the Ritz-Carlton he found his guests already gathering in the lounge. Willie Enslee came in late and surly. He explained that his man had had the impudence to fall ill, and had left him to dress himself.
They had their c.o.c.ktails, and then Forbes led his little flock up to the rich pasture. He had to beg pardon through a knot of people pleading vainly for tables in the circle. They were being turned off into the side rooms of mediocrity.
It gave Forbes a feeling of elation to be greeted with homage by name and led at once to his table. It made a brave showing with silver, gla.s.s, and napery already disposed, and a great bouquet of fresh lilacs in the center.
Fernand whispered to Forbes that he had taken the liberty of changing the bill of fare somewhat. The result was a surprise to those spoiled palates, and Forbes' guests were like children in their expressions of delight. Forbes was voted a gourmet, but he gave the credit to the hovering Fernand. He was honest enough still for that, though he had not the courage to admit how deep a gouge the luncheon made in his savings.
Still, he felt as he surveyed his triumph that wealth was a n.o.ble thing.
If only he could give such artistic banquets every day! If only he could frequent such places and hold up his end among all these brilliant crowds! So many, many people had so much money. Thousands of them were banqueting here and in other restaurants, encouraging all the arts from architecture to salad-dressing. Why should he be denied the status of his tastes?
He attempted to grovel before Persis in apology for oversleeping. But she refused to take the offense seriously, and she congratulated him for having the courage and the honesty to confess the real excuse for absence. He told her that he was sure, from her alert and l.u.s.trous eye, that she too had overslept, but she vowed she had not, and he wondered again that such delicate beauty should be conjoined to such unfailing strength.
Save when it was interrupted by exclamations of applause for the choice of the dishes, or childish yum-yums for the exquisiteness of their preparation, the talk was all about the mayor's order closing the _thes dansants_.