Part 1 (1/2)
The Girl Aviators on Golden Wings.
by Margaret Burnham.
”And so this is the great Nevada desert!”
Peggy Prescott wrinkled her nose rather disdainfully as she gazed from the open window of the car out over the white, glittering expanse--dotted here and there with gloomy-looking clumps of sage brush--through which they had been traveling for some little time past.
”This is it,” nodded her brother Roy; ”what do you think of it, sis?”
”Um--er, I shall have to wait a while before I answer that,”
rejoined Peggy judicially.
”Well, here's Jimsy; let's ask him,” cried Roy, as a lad of his own age, accompanied by a slender, graceful girl, came down the aisle of the car and approached the section in which the two young Prescotts were sitting.
”Jimsy Bancroft,” demanded Roy, ”we are now on the great Nevada desert, or on the edge of it. Does it meet with your approval?”
”There's plenty of it anyhow,” laughed Jimsy, ”and really it's very much like what I expected it would be.”
”I feel like a regular cowgirl or--a--er--well, what the newspapers call a typical Westerner already,” said Jess Bancroft, Jimsy's sister.
”Only typical Westerners don't protect their delicate complexions from dust with cold cream,” laughed Peggy, holding up a finger reprovingly. ”As if any beauty magazine won't tell you it's a woman's duty to take the greatest care of her complexion,” parried Jess. ”Roy and I have been sitting out on the observation platform on the last coach--that is, we sat there till the dust drove us in.”
She shook the folds of a long, light pongee automobile coat she wore and a little cloud of dust arose. They all coughed as the pungent stuff circulated.
”Ugh,” cried Roy, ”it makes your eyes smart.”
”That's the alkali in it,” quoth Jimsy sagely, ”alkali is--”
”Very unpleasant,” coughed Peggy.
”But as we are likely to have to endure it for the next few weeks,”
struck in Roy, ”we might as well lose no time in getting accustomed to it.”
”Well girls and boys,” came a deep, pleasant voice behind them, ”we shall be in Blue Creek in a short time now, so gather up your belongings. I'll take care of the aeroplane outfits and the other stuff in the baggage car,” he went on, ”and here comes Miss Prescott now.”
The lady referred to was a sweet-faced woman of some fifty years of age, though it was easy to see that the years had dealt kindly with her during her placid life in the village of Sandy Beach, on Long Island, New York, where she had made, her home. Miss Prescott was the aunt of the two Prescott children, and since their father's death some time before had been both mother and father to them--their own mother having pa.s.sed away when they were but small children.
As readers of the first volume of this series know, Mr. Prescott had been an inventor of some distinction. Dying, he had confided to his son and daughter his plans for a non-capsizable aeroplane of great power. His son had promised to carry on the work, and had devoted his legacy to this purpose.
In that volume, which was called ”The Girl Aviators and the Phantom Airs.h.i.+p,” it will be recalled, it was told how Peggy had been of material aid to her brother in his plans and hopes, and had, in reality, ”saved the day” for him when he fell into the hands of some enemies. This occurred on the eve of a great aeroplane contest in which Roy had entered in the hopes of winning the first prize. With the money thus obtained he planned to pay off a mortgage held on Miss Prescott's home by an unscrupulous old banker, whose son was the prime mover in the plots against Roy.
One of the means adopted to force him to sell his secrets was the manipulation of a phantom aeroplane which, for a time, sadly puzzled the lad and his sister. The mystery was solved in a strange way, however, and almost at the same time, the baffling problem of what had become of Mrs. Bancroft's jewels was also unraveled. All this did not take place without many adventures being encountered by the four chums. Among these was the encounter with the old hermit, Peter Bell, who, through Peggy's agency, was restored to his brother, James Bell, the millionaire western mining man.