Part 5 (1/2)
”Yes. Jake-”
”I've got to phone the airlines.” His voice was so taut it could have moored the Queen Mary. Queen Mary. ”In the meantime, hide that print.” ”In the meantime, hide that print.”
I was listening to a dial tone.
What could be so important that Jake would change plans he'd been making for months?
I centered Kessler's photo on my blotter.
If I was right about the paintbrush, the body was oriented northsouth with the head facing east. The wrists were crossed on the belly. The legs were fully extended.
Except for some displacement of the pelvic and foot bones, everything looked anatomically correct.
Too correct.
A patella sat perfectly positioned at the end of each femur. No way kneecaps stay in place that well.
Something else was off.
The right fibula was on the inside of the right tibia. It should have been on the outside.
Conclusion: the scene had been doctored.
Had an archaeologist tidied the bones for a pic, or did the repositioning reflect some meaning?
I carried the photo to the scope, lowered the power, and positioned the fiber-optic light.
The soil around the bones was marked with footprints. Under magnification, I could make out at least two sole patterns.
Conclusion: more than one person had been present.
I took a shot at gender.
The skull's...o...b..tal ridges were large, the jaw square. Only the right half of the pelvis was visible, but the sciatic notch looked narrow and deep.
Conclusion: the individual was male, more probably than not.
I s.h.i.+fted to age.
The upper dent.i.tion looked relatively complete. The lower dent.i.tion had gaps and teeth in poor alignment. The right pubic symphysis, one of the surfaces at which the pelvic halves meet in front, was tipped toward the lens. Though the photo was grainy, the symphyseal face looked smooth and flat.
Conclusion: the individual was a young to middle-aged adult. Possibly.
Terrific, Brennan. A grown-up dead guy with bad teeth and rearranged bones. Possibly.
”Now we're getting somewhere,” I mimicked Ryan.
The clock said one-forty. I was starving.
Removing my lab coat, I clicked off the fiber-optic light and washed up. At the door, I hesitated.
Returning to the scope, I collected the photo and slid it under an agenda in my desk drawer.
By three I was no clearer on the Ferris fragments than I'd been at noon. If anything, I was more frustrated.
People can reach only so far. They shoot themselves in the forehead, the temple, the mouth, the chest. They do not shoot themselves in the spine or the back of the head. It's too hard to position a barrel there and keep a finger or toe on the trigger. So bullet path can often be used to distinguish suicide from homicide.
Blasting through bone, a bullet dislodges small particles from the perimeter of the hole it creates, beveling an entrance wound internally, and an exit wound externally.
Bullet in. Bullet out. Trajectory. Manner of death.
So what was the problem? Did Avram Ferris put a gun to his own head, or did someone else do the honors?
The problem was that the affected parts of Ferris's skull looked like puzzle pieces dumped from a box. To consider beveling, I'd first have to determine what went where.
Hours of jigsawing had allowed me to identify one oval defect behind Ferris's right ear, near the junction of the parietal, occipital, and temporal sutures.
Within Ferris's reach? A stretch, but you betcha.
Another problem. The hole was beveled on both its endocranial and ectocranial surfaces.
Forget beveling. I was going to have to rely on fracture sequencing.
A skull is designed to house a brain and a very small quant.i.ty of fluid. That's it. No room for guests.
A bullet to the head sets up a series of events, each of which may be present, absent, or appear in combination with any other.
First, a hole is created. As that happens, fractures starburst outward and wrap the skull. The bullet tunnels through the brain, pus.h.i.+ng aside gray matter and creating s.p.a.ce where s.p.a.ce isn't meant to be. Intracranial pressure rises, concentric heaving fractures develop perpendicular to the fractures radiating from the entrance, and plates of bone lever outward. If heaving and radiating fractures intersect, blam-o! That section of skull shatters.
Another scenario. No shattering, but the bullet says adios on the far side of the skull. Fractures barrel backward from the exit hole and slam into those hotfooting it around from the entrance hole. Energy dissipates along the preexisting entrance fractures, and the exit fractures go no farther.
Think of it this way. A bullet to the brain imparts energy. That trapped energy has to go somewhere. Like all of us, it looks for the easy out. In a skull that means open sutures or preexisting cracks. Bottom line: fractures created by a bullet's exit will not cross fractures created by its entrance. Sort it out and you've got sequence.
But sorting out the dead ends requires reconstruction.
There was no getting around it. I'd have to put the pieces back together.
That would take time and patience.
And a lot of glue.
I got out my stainless steel bowls, my sand, and my Elmer's. Pair by pair I joined fragments and held them until the bonding set. Then I placed the mini-reconstructions upright in the sand, positioned so they'd dry without slippage or distortion.