Part 26 (1/2)

The Demon Usher led them to a slight rise where there was a rocky formation, and stopped before a boulder so huge that it would have required the strength of many men to move it.


Searching with his long, thin fingers for a certain place, he found it at length, and pressed against it as hard as he could.

To the surprise of all the rest, the boulder began to slide easily away, disclosing the entrance to a dark, subterranean pa.s.sage.

[Ill.u.s.tration: ”TRICKED!”]

”Follow the pa.s.sage,” cried the Demon Usher triumphantly, ”and it will lead you to Dragonfel and his captives!”

Florimel and the Brownies at once entered, and King Stanislaus ran after them.

”Stop!” came his warning. ”Before we go any farther let us first consider.”

But when they were all inside it suddenly grew pitch-black, as the boulder quickly slid back into its place.

From outside they heard the Demon Usher give a hoa.r.s.e cackle of exultation.

”Tricked!” e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed King Stanislaus. ”We are caught like rats in a trap!”




In bringing about the destruction of his palace Dragonfel's only thought had been the destruction of the Brownies. He had hoped to crush the sprites by means of the falling walls and columns, and when he invoked Vulcan for the a.s.sistance he felt sure would be given to him he was very careful to keep out of harm's way himself.

But like many another vindictive, revengeful person the wicked enchanter overreached himself. He had no idea when he called upon Vulcan to get busy that the latter would make such a good job of it.

He fully expected the palace to topple down, for that was what he had asked for. But he did not want the volcano that had been thrown in for good measure. It made things too hot and uncomfortable.

He was very much alarmed when he saw the volcano in violent eruption, for he realized that the downpour of lava boded ill for himself as well as for others over whose safety he was not at all concerned.


Thinking only of himself, he was on the point of ordering out his volunteer fire department to subdue the flames in the crater when to his great relief he noticed that King Stanislaus had taken the matter out of his hands.

From his place of safety Dragonfel watched the operations of the Brownies, and he breathed more freely when he noticed that they were getting the fire well under control, so that the prospect of all danger was fast being removed through their energetic efforts.

He realized that after the volcano was subdued these indomitable little people would devote their attention to him, and in considering what the outcome would be he grew more and more uncertain. As a matter of fact, he was beginning to fear the mystic power of the Brownies, and he very much doubted if his big followers with all their boasted strength were a fit match for these sprites who had not only cunning but courage.

He decided that in the clash which was bound to come it was best not to risk any chance of defeat in a fair, open fight, but by underhanded means to overpower them.

Then the diabolical scheme of making the Brownies prisoners, and setting them to work in his mine, presented itself. If he fled there with his captives, they would undoubtedly follow in pursuit, and once in the mine they easily could be made helpless.

The Demon Usher at his feet was going through all sorts of contortions of fear, and Dragonfel looked sneeringly down at him.