Part 17 (1/2)
Having no suspicion of what was in the evil minds of those she was preparing so hospitably to entertain, t.i.tania with her companions ushered them into the magnificent banquet-room.
There upon one of the long tables were spread many delicacies to make one's mouth water, and, even before an invitation to partake of them could be extended, the four red imps seated themselves before it, and, smacking their lips, began to tuck napkins under their chins.
t.i.tania had thought that the guests would leave the presents they had brought out in the hall when they came in, but they still held on to them with a grip so tenacious that she wondered if they really meant to give them up, after all.
Nevertheless in a free-hearted way she urged the visitors to refresh themselves. The imps were already engaged in trying to stuff whole plum puddings into their mouths at once, a greedy proceeding that Dame Drusilda, Violet, and Daffodil watched with considerable disgust.
All but the leader started quickly to seat themselves, but he stamped his foot imperiously, and they came to an instant stop.
Then he threw back the hood of his scarlet cloak, disclosing a wicked face, and transfixed t.i.tania with his malicious gaze.
”I am Dragonfel the enchanter, my fine little lady,” he said, in fiendish tones, ”and I have come to take you away with me!”
t.i.tania was so frightened that she could neither scream nor run away, and she allowed him to gather her up in his arms and hold her just as a little girl does a doll, making light of load.
There she lay pa.s.sive and trembling, with the realization that it would be useless to make any effort to escape.
Almost immediately afterward Grouthead seized the biting, scratching, and clawing Dame Drusilda, whom he dumped in spite of fierce resistance into the baby's crib, and when Mandrake and Wolfinger put Violet and Daffodil in after her it was very plain why this particular gift had been selected.
”Yes, and you're not going to get these presents, either,” sneered Dragonfel to t.i.tania, who said never a word. ”You may call me an Injun-giver, if you like, but I mean to take them back, just the same!”
With t.i.tania helpless in his arms he started toward a rear door, while after him came Grouthead and Wolfinger bearing the crib in which Dame Drusilda, Violet, and Daffodil rattled about like dried peas in a pod.
The others followed slowly and reluctantly in their wake, casting longing glances backward at the tempting-looking desserts on the table.
The imps, however, did not budge, but continued eating. When Dragonfel called out to them in angry tones they sprang up and attempted at the same time to jam charlotte russe into their gaping mouths.
In their frantic haste they smeared the charlotte or russe, whichever the white part is, all over their faces, so that as they hurried after the others with occasional frisky somersaults they looked as though they had just been lathered by a barber.
Out by the rear all pa.s.sed into the deserted back-garden where there was a small iron door locked and bolted from the inside, and with the key, fortunately for their nefarious plans, in the lock.
Through this door Dragonfel and his followers effected their escape with their captives, and ran with all possible speed toward the sea-sh.o.r.e.
The galleon tossed upon the lazy swell, not a great distance out, and in a small boat with Snoutpimple and Boundingbore at the oars they rowed to it, and soon were on board.
Then the anchor was weighed, and with all sails filling they set their course for Dragonfel's enchanted country, which they reached without mishap of any kind.
When they got to their journey's end, and all stood safe upon the sh.o.r.e, the full malignity of Dragonfel was shown.
Realizing that the indomitable Brownies would not relinquish t.i.tania without a struggle, but would follow as quickly as they could to wrest her if possible from him, he ordered Vulcan's imps to call upon their master to impede them with a storm.
The imps thereupon cast b.a.l.l.s of fire into the air, and, even as all bent their steps toward the palace, the enchanter noted with considerable satisfaction quite a change in the temperature. Clouds were already beginning to form on the horizon, and there came the distant rumble of continuous thunder.