Part 36 (1/2)

Desert Dust Edwin L. Sabin 34280K 2022-07-22

”It is too late now,” I a.s.serted, in voice not mine. ”I am here first and I'll go when I get ready.”

”You mean to face him?”

”I mean to hear what he has to say, and learn what he intends to do. I don't see any other way--unless you really wish me to go?”

”No, no!” cried My Lady. ”I don't want you to be harmed; but oh, how I have suffered.” All her countenance was suffused--with anger, with shame, and even with hope. She trembled, gazing at me, and fluctuant.

”So have I, madam,” said I, grimly.

”I think,” she remarked in quiet tone, ”that in a show-down you will best him. I'm sure of it; yes, I know it. You will play the man. You act cool.

Good! Watch him very close. He'll give you little grace, this time. But remember this: I'll never, never, never marry him. Rather than be bound to him I'll deal with him myself.”

”It won't be necessary, madam,” said I--a catch in my throat; for while I was all iciness and clamminess, my hands cold and my tongue dry, I felt that I was going to kill him at last. Something told me; the sheer horror of it struck through; the inevitable loomed grisly and near indeed.

A panoramic lifetime crowds the brain of a drowning man; that same crowded my brain during the few moments which swung in to us Daniel, scowling, masterful, his raw bulk and his long shambling stride never before so insolent.

From New York and home and peace I traveled clear here to desert, outlawry and blood--and thence on through a second life as a marked man; but while I knew very well where I should shoot him (right through the heart), I turned over and over the one doubtful pa.s.s: where would he shoot me? Shoot me he would--chest, shoulder, arm, head; I could not escape, did not hope to escape. Yet no matter where his ball ploughed (and I poignantly felt it enter and sear me) my final bullet would end the match. Also, I argued my rights in the business; argued them before my father and mother, before the camp, before the world.

These thoughts which precede a certain duel to the death are not inspiring thoughts; since then I have learned that other men, even practiced gun-men, have had the same trepidation to the instant of pulling weapon.

Daniel charged in for us. I did not touch revolver b.u.t.t; he did not. My Lady lifted chin, to receive him. My eyes, fastened upon him, noted her, and noted, beyond us, the spying visages of the camp folk, all turned our way, transfixed and agog.

He barked first at her.

”Go whar yu belong, yu Jezebel! Then I'll tend to this----” The rabid epithet leveled at me I shall not repeat.

She straightened whitely.

”Be careful what you say, Daniel. No man on this earth can speak to me like that.”

All his face flushed livid with a sneer, merging together yellow freckles and tanned skin.

”Can't, can't he? I kin an' I do. Why yu--yu--yu reckon yu kin shame me 'fore that hull train? Yu sneak out this-away, meetin' this spindle-shank, no-'count States greenie who hain't sense enough to swing a bull whip an'

ain't man enough to draw a gun? I've told yu an' I'm done tellin' yu. Now yu git. I've stood yore fast an' loose plenty. I mean business. Git! Whar yu'll be safe. I'll not hold off much longer.”

”You threaten _me_?”

Her blue eyes were blazing above a spot of color in either cheek--with a growl he took a step, so that she shrank from his clutching hand, its scarred, burly fingers outcurved. And the time, perhaps the very moment had arrived. I must, I must.

”No more of that, you brute,” I uttered, while my pounding heart flooded me with a cold, tingling stream. ”If you have anything to say, say it to me.”

He whirled.

”Yu! Why, yu leetle piece o' nothin'--yu shut up!” By sudden reach he gripped her arm; to her sharp, short scream he thrust her about.

”Git! I'm boss hyar.” And at me: ”What yu goin' to do? She's promised to me. I'm takin' keer of her; she's rode on my wagon; an' naow yu think to toll her off? Yu meet her ag'in right under my nose arter I've warned yu?

Git, yoreself, or I'll stomp on yu like on a louse.”