Part 34 (1/2)
The other nodded in the direction of the window and smiled.
”My friends?” he asked.
”Why do you attribute this outbreak to me?”
”Because those not in league with you and your cause would hardly threaten American tourists, in the face of the law.”
”American tourists!” snarled the other, and Ned laughed.
Jimmie now came bustling into the room, his eyes staring with excitement. The interpreter was only a trifle less moved by the information which had been gained.
”What is it?” Jack asked.
”He's crazy with fear again!” Frank put in.
”Say,” Jimmie cried, ”you'd all better be gettin' out of this place.
The people out there are goin' to raid it in a minute!”
The prisoner uttered a defiant laugh and again started for the window.
Again Ned forced him back.
”What's the trouble?” asked Frank.
”Why,” was the reply, ”this gink here,” pointing toward the prisoner whose disguise had been removed, ”this gazabo hadn't much confidence in his own ability to win this fight, so he appealed to the revolutionary leaders.”
”That's fine!” Jack said. ”We may have the luck to see a full-fledged revolution doing business.”
”You are quite likely to.”
This from the prisoner, now standing with the others at the back of the room.
”You arranged for this demonstration in case you should be taken?” asked Ned.
The prisoner snarled out some ugly reply.
”You planned this?” demanded Ned, resolved to know the truth.
”Yes,” almost shouted the other, ”and you will soon discover that it is something more than a demonstration.”
The interpreter drew Jimmie aside and whispered in his ear. Then the boy turned to Ned.
”This boy says he saw a signal given from a window as soon as this bunch was taken,” he said. ”Then crowds began forming. Say, but we'd better be gettin' out!”
”Save yourselves the exertion,” the prisoner said. ”They will find you, wherever you go!”
”Possibly,” Ned said.