Part 2 (1/2)
The illuminating gas which is obtained from coal by destructive distillation consists chiefly of hydrogen and gaseous hydrocarbons, the most abundant of the latter being marsh gas. There are also present in smaller quant.i.ties the two oxides of carbon, the monoxide and the dioxide, which are gaseous at ordinary temperatures, together with other impurities. Coal-gas is burnt just as it is delivered from the mains--it is not at present utilized as a source of raw material in the sense that the tar is thus made use of. In some cases gas is used as fuel, as in gas-stoves and gas-engines, and in the so-called ”gas-producers,” in which the coal, instead of being used as a direct source of heat, is partially burnt in suitable furnaces, and the combustible gas thus arising, consisting chiefly of carbon monoxide, is conveyed to the place where it undergoes complete combustion, and is thus utilized as a source of heat.
Summing up the uses of coal thus far considered, we see that this mineral is being consumed as fuel, for the production of, for the manufacture of gas, and in many other ways. Lavishly as Nature has provided us with this source of power and wealth, the idea naturally suggests itself whether we are not drawing too liberally upon our capital. The question of coal supply crops up from time to time, and the public mind is periodically agitated about the prospects of its continuance. How long we have been draining our coal resources it is difficult to ascertain. There is some evidence that coal-mining was carried on during the Roman occupation. In the reign of Richard I. there is distinct evidence of coal having been dug in the diocese of Durham. The oldest charters take us back to the early part of the thirteenth century for Scotland, and to the year 1239 for England, when King Henry III. granted a right of sale to the townsmen of Newcastle. With respect to the metropolis, Bishop Watson, on the authority of Anderson's _History of Commerce_, states that coal was introduced as fuel at the beginning of the fourteenth century. In these early days, when it was brought from the north by s.h.i.+ps, it was known as ”sea-coal”:--
”Go; and we'll have a posset for 't soon at night, in faith, at the latter end of a sea-coal fire.”--_Merry Wives of Windsor_, Act I., Sc. iv.
That the fuel was received at first with disfavour appears from the fact that in the reign of Edward I. the n.o.bility and gentry made a complaint to the king objecting to its use, on the ground of its being a public nuisance. By the middle of the seventeenth century the use of coal was becoming more general in London, chiefly owing to the scarcity of wood; and its effects upon the atmosphere of the town will be inferred from a proclamation issued in the reign of Elizabeth, prohibiting its use during the sitting of Parliament, for fear of injuring the health of the knights of the s.h.i.+re. About 1649 the citizens again pet.i.tioned Parliament against the use of this fuel on account of the stench; and about the beginning of that century ”the nice dames of London would not come into any house or roome when sea-coales were burned, nor willingly eat of meat that was either sod or roasted with sea-coale fire” (_Stow's Annals_).
For many centuries therefore we have been drawing upon our coal supplies, and using up the mineral at an increasing rate. According to a recent estimate by Professor Hull, from the beginning of the present century to 1875 the output has been more than doubled for each successive quarter century. The actual amount of coal raised in the United Kingdom between 1882 and the present time averages annually about 170 million tons, corresponding in money value to about 45,000,000 per annum. In 1860 the amount of coal raised in Great Britain was a little more than 80 million tons, and Professor Hull estimated that at that rate of consumption our supplies of workable coal would hold out for a thousand years. Since then the available stock has been diminished by some 3,650 million tons, and even this deduction, we are told on the same authority, has not materially affected our total supply. The possibility of a coal famine need, therefore, cause no immediate anxiety; but we cannot ”eat our loaf and have it too,” and sooner or later the continuous drain upon our coal resources must make itself felt. The first effect will probably be an increase in price owing to the greater depth at which the coal will have to be worked. The whole question of our coal supply has, however, recently a.s.sumed a new aspect by the discovery (February 1890) of coal at a depth of 1,160 feet at Dover. To quote the words of Mr. W. Whitaker--”It may be indeed that the coal supply of the future will be largely derived from the South-East of England, and some day it may happen, from the exhaustion of our northern coal-fields, that we in the south may be able successfully to perform a task now proverbially unprofitable--_we may carry coal to Newcastle_.”
The coal-fields of Great Britain and Ireland occupy, in round numbers, an area of 11,860 square miles, or about one-tenth of the whole area of the land surface of the country. Within this area, and down to a depth of 4,000 feet, lie the main deposits of our available wealth. Some idea of the amount of coal underlying this area will be gathered from the table[2]
on the next page.
This supply, amounting to over 90,000 million tons, refers to the exposed coal-fields and to workable seams, _i.e._ those above one foot in thickness. But in addition to this, we have a large amount of coal at workable depths under formations of later geological age than the Carboniferous, such as the Permian formation of northern and central England. Adding the estimated quant.i.ty of coal from this source to that contained in the exposed coal-fields as given above, we arrive at the total available supply. This is estimated to be about 146,454 million tons. To this we may one day have to add the coal under the south-eastern part of England.
Amount of coal in millions of tons to depths not exceeding Coal Fields of-- 4,000 feet.
South Wales 32,456 Forest of Dean 265 Bristol 4,219 Warwicks.h.i.+re 459 S. Staffords.h.i.+re, Shrops.h.i.+re, Forest of Wyre and Clee Hills 1,906 Leicesters.h.i.+re 837 North Wales 2,005 Anglesey 5 N. Staffords.h.i.+re 3,825 Lancas.h.i.+re and Ches.h.i.+re 5,546 Yorks.h.i.+re, Derbys.h.i.+re, and Northumberland 18,172 Black Burton 71 Northumberland and Durham 10,037 c.u.mberland 405 Scotland 9,844 Ireland 156
It is important to bear in mind, that out of the 170 million tons of coal now being raised annually we only use a small proportion, viz. from 5 to 6 per cent. for gas-making. The largest amount (33 per cent.) is used for iron-smelting,[3] and about 15 per cent. is exported; the remainder is consumed in factories, dwelling-houses, for locomotion, and in the smaller industries.
The enormous advancement which has taken place of late years in the industrial applications of electricity has given rise to the belief that coal-gas will in time become superseded as an illuminating agent, and that the supply of tar may in consequence fall off. So far, however, the introduction of electric-lighting has had no appreciable effect upon the consumption of gas, and even when the time of general electric-lighting arrives there will arise as a consequence an increased demand for gas as a fuel in gas engines. Moreover, the use of gas for heating and cooking purposes is likely to go on increasing. Nor must it be forgotten that the quant.i.ty of tar produced in gas-works is now greater than is actually required by the colour-manufacturer, and much of this by-product is burnt as fuel, so that if the manufacture of gas were to suffer to any considerable extent there would still be tar enough to meet our requirements at the present rate of consumption of the tar-products. Then again, the value of the tar,, and ammoniacal liquor is of such a proportion as compared with the cost of the raw material, coal, that there is a good margin for lowering the price of gas when the compet.i.tion between the latter and electricity actually comes about. It will not then be only a struggle between the two illuminants, but it will be a question of electricity _versus_ gas, _plus_ tar and ammonia.
While the electrician is pus.h.i.+ng forward with rapid strides, the chemist is also moving onwards, and every year witnesses the discovery of new tar products, or the utilization of const.i.tuents which were formerly of little or no value. Thus if the cost of generating and distributing electricity is being lowered, on the other hand the value of coal tar is likely to go on advancing, and it would be rash to predict which will come out triumphant in the end. But even if electricity were to gain the day it would be worth while to distil coal at the pit's mouth for the sake of the by-products, and there is, moreover, the tar from the ovens to fall back upon--a source which even before the use of coal-gas the wise Bishop of Llandaff advised us not to neglect.
The nature of the products obtained by the destructive distillation of coal varies according to the temperature of distillation, and the age or degree of carbonization of the coal. The watery liquor obtained by the dry distillation of wood is acid, and contains among other things acetic acid, which is sometimes prepared in this way, and from its origin is occasionally spoken of as ”wood vinegar.” The older the wood, the more complete its degree of conversion into coal, and the smaller the quant.i.ty of oxygen it contains, the more alkaline does the watery liquid become.
Thus the gas-liquor is distinctly alkaline, and contains a considerable quant.i.ty of ammonia, besides other volatile bases. The uses of ammonia are manifold, and nearly our whole supply of this valuable substance is now derived from gas-liquor. The presence of ammonia in this liquor is accounted for when it is known that this compound is a gas composed of nitrogen and hydrogen. It has already been explained that coal contains from one to two per cent. of nitrogen, and during the process of distillation about one-fifth of this nitrogen is converted into ammonia, the remainder being converted partly into other bases, while a small quant.i.ty remains in the
Ammonia, the ”volatile alkali” of the old chemists, and its salts are of importance in pharmacy, but the chief use of this compound is to supply nitrogen for the growth of plants. Plants must have nitrogen in some form or another, and as they cannot a.s.similate it _directly_ from the atmosphere where it exists in the free state, some suitable nitrogen compound must be supplied to the soil. It is possible that certain leguminous plants may derive their nitrogen from the atmosphere through the intervention of micro-organisms, which appear capable of fixing free nitrogen and of supplying it to the plant upon whose roots they flourish.
But this is second-hand nitrogen so far as concerns the plant. It is true also that the atmosphere contains small traces of ammonia and acid oxides of nitrogen, which are dissolved by rain and snow, and thus get washed down into the soil. These are the natural sources of plant nitrogen. But in agricultural operations, where large crops have to be raised as rapidly as possible, some additional source of nitrogen must be supplied, and this is the object of manuring the soil.
A manure, chemically considered, is a mixture of substances capable of supplying the necessary nitrogenous and mineral food for the nourishment of the growing plant. The ordinary farm or stable manure contains decomposing nitrogenous organic matter, in which the nitrogen is given off as ammonia, and thus furnishes the soil with which it is mixed with the necessary fertilizer. But the supply of this manure is limited, and we have to fall back upon gas-liquor and native nitrates to meet the existing wants of the agriculturist. Important as is ammonia for the growth of vegetation, it is not in this form that the majority of plants take up their nitrogen. Soluble nitrates are, in most cases, more efficient fertilizers than the salts of ammonia, and the ammonia which is supplied to the soil is converted into nitrates therein before the plant can a.s.similate the nitrogen. The oxidation of ammonia into nitric acid takes place by virtue of a process called ”nitrification,” and there is very good reason for believing that this transformation is the work of a micro-organism present in the soil. The gas liquor thus supplies food to a minute organism which converts the ammonia into a form available for the higher plants. Some branches of agriculture--such as the cultivation of the beet for sugar manufacture--are so largely dependent upon an artificial source of nitrogen, that their very existence is bound up with the supply of ammonia salts or other nitrogenous manures. The relations.h.i.+p between the manufacture of beet-sugar and the distillation of coal for the production of gas is thus closer than many readers will have imagined; for while the supply of native guano or nitrate is uncertain, and its freight costly on account of the distance from which it has to be s.h.i.+pped, the sulphate of ammonia from gas-liquor is always at hand, and available for the purposes of fertilization.
Then again, there are other products of industrial value which are a.s.sociated with ammonia, such, for example, as ammonia-alum and caustic soda. This last is one of the most important chemical compounds manufactured on a large scale, and is consumed in enormous quant.i.ties for the manufacture of paper and soap, and other purposes. Salts of this alkali are also essential for gla.s.s making. Of late years a method for the production of caustic soda has been introduced which depends upon the use of ammonia, and as this process is proving a formidable rival to the older method of alkali manufacture, it may be said that such indispensable articles as paper, soap, and gla.s.s are now to some extent dependent upon gas-liquor, and may in course of time become still more intimately connected with the manufacture of coal-gas.
But quant.i.tative statements must be given in order to bring home to general readers the actual value of the small percentage of nitrogen present in coal. Thus it has been estimated, that one ton of coal gives enough ammonia to furnish about 30 lbs. of the crude sulphate. The present value of this salt is roughly about 12 per ton. The ten million tons of coal distilled annually for gas making would thus give 133,929 tons of sulphate, equal in money value to 1,607,148, supposing the whole of the ammonia to be sold in this form. To this may be added the ammonia obtained during the distillation of shale and the carbonization of coal for, the former source furnis.h.i.+ng about 22,000 tons, and the latter about 2500 tons annually. Small as is the legacy of nitrogen bequeathed to us from the Carboniferous period, we see that it sums up to a considerable annual addition to our industrial resources.
The three products resulting from the distillation of coal--viz. the gas, ammoniacal-liquor, and now been made to furnish their tale, we have next to deal with the tar. In the early days of gas manufacture this black, viscid, unsavoury substance was in every sense a waste product. No use had been found for it, and it was burnt, or otherwise disposed of. No demand for the tar existed which could enable the gas manufacturers to get rid of their ever-increasing acc.u.mulation. Wood-tar had previously been used as a cheap paint for wood and metal-work, and it was but a natural suggestion that coal-tar should be applied to the same purposes. It was found that the quality of the tar was improved by getting rid of the more volatile portions by boiling it in open pans; but this waste--to say nothing of the danger of fire--was checked by a suggestion made by Acc.u.m in 1815, who showed that by boiling down the tar in a still instead of in open pans the volatile portions could be condensed and collected, thus furnis.h.i.+ng an oil which could be used by the varnish maker as a subst.i.tute for turpentine. A few years later, in 1822, the distillation of tar was carried on at Leith by Drs. Longstaff and Dalston, the ”spirit” being used by Mackintosh of Glasgow for dissolving india-rubber for the preparation of that waterproof fabric which to this day bears the name of the original manufacturer. The residue in the still was burnt for lamp-black. Of such little value was the tar at this time that Dr. Longstaff tells us that the gas company gave them the tar on condition that they removed it at their own expense. It appears also that tar was distilled on a large scale near Manchester in 1834, the ”spirit”
being used for dissolving the residual pitch so as to make a black varnish.
But the production of gas went on increasing at a greater rate than the demand for tar for the above-mentioned purposes, and it was not till 1838 that a new branch of industry was inaugurated, which converted the distillation of this material from an insignificant into an important manufacture. In that year a patent was taken out by Beth.e.l.l for preserving timber by impregnating it with the heavy oil from coal-tar. The use of tar for this purpose had been suggested by Lebon towards the end of the last century, and a patent had been granted in this country in 1836 to Franz Moll for this use of tar-products. But Beth.e.l.l's process was put into a working form by the great improvements in the apparatus introduced by Breant and Burt, and to the latter is due the credit of having founded an industry which is still carried on by Messrs. Burt, Bolton and Haywood on a colossal scale. The ”pickling” or ”creosoting” of timber is effected in an iron cylindrical boiler, into which the timber is run; the cylinder being then closed the air is pumped out, and the air contained in the pores of the wood thus escapes. The creosoting oil, slightly warmed, is then allowed to flow into the boiler, and thus penetrates into the pores of the wood, the complete saturation of which is insured by afterwards pumping air into the cylinder and leaving the timber in the oil for some hours under a pressure of 8 to 10 atmospheres.
All timber which is buried underground, or submerged in water, is impregnated with this antiseptic creosote in order to prevent decay. It will be evident that this application of tar-products must from the very commencement have had an enormous influence upon the distillation of tar as a branch of industry. Consider the miles of wooden sleepers over which our railways are laid, and the network of telegraph wires carried all over the country by wooden poles, of which the ends are buried in the earth.
Consider also the many subaqueous works which necessitate the use of timber, and we shall gain an idea of the demand for heavy coal-tar oil created by the introduction of Breant's process. Under the treatment described a cubic foot of wood absorbs about a gallon of oil, and by far the largest quant.i.ty of the tar oils is consumed in this way at the present time. Now in the early days of timber-pickling the lighter oils of the tar, which first come over on distillation, and which are too volatile for the purpose of creosoting, were in much about the same industrial position as the tar itself before its application as a timber preservative. The light oil had a limited use as a solvent for waterproofing and varnish making, and a certain quant.i.ty was burnt as coal-tar naphtha in specially constructed lamps, the invention of the late Read Holliday of Huddersfield, whose first patent was taken out in 1848 (see Fig. 4). Up to this time, be it remembered, that chemists had not found out what this naphtha contained. But science soon laid hands on the materials furnished by the tar-distiller, and the naphtha was one of the first products which was made to reveal the secret of its hidden treasures to the scientific investigator. From this period science and industry became indissolubly united, and the researches of chemists were carried on hand-in-hand with the technical developments of coal-tar products.