The Black Dragon then fly trying to shook him off but Aaron stabbed into its right eye causing the dragon to fell to the streets but it managed to shook Shielder off from him.

Aaron safely landed on the street before he covered his eyes avoiding the shining that came from a dragon.

He moved aside his shield only to see the dragon now is like a mummy before the mummy launched a lighting shot to him but Aaron used his shield to defend himself while running to the mummy and slash the mummy on its chest.

The mummy steps backwards before he got hit by my shield sending him to fly backwards.”You think this form can handle me, I have gone toe to toe with the Man of Steel, the strongest superhero in this planet and you expected this mummy form to battle me? Change back to your dragon form. Al least that form entertains me more than this pathetic form.” Shielder said making the Black Dragon appeared once gain and lunged at him.

”God Strength.” Aaron now feels his strength increased. He smacks the dragon to the ground very hard on the ground making the ground shake.

He then stabs its right eye causing it to scream in before it tries to bite his hand off but Aaron jumped backwards.

”Time for you to die. ” He said before he grips his spear who already shines.

”Die!” He said but then he out his field in front of him as the black dragon breath a black fire to him.

Aaron clicks his tongue seeing this as the dragon pressures him by firing his fire breath to him.

”Rho Aias!” He shouted and seven pets flowers bloomed in front of his shield and the last petal hit the dragon.

Seeing the staggering dragon he quickly jumped over the dragon and stab both of its eyes injured and the dragon flew up without his eye making him fly downwards.

Aaron then stabs his spear to its right-wing many time before swing his spear making its wing to separate from its body.

Now the dragon did not fly anymore as it roared in agony as it loses one of it's the wing.

The dragon's body crash to the street with Aaron landed in front of him.

He stared at the dragon before his spear shined before he dismissed it.

”Many people are coming here.” He thought. It is obviously the Justice League as he knows that the League will be notified of this action.

He quickly disappears from that place and disappears into the alleys.

He uninstalls his card and returns back to normal and goes back to the same alley.

”Stop walking. Go back straight to your home.” A voice sounded in his head as he recognises this voice.

”Solomon?” He asked.”I sense someone tried to track you using magic. Walk amongst the crowd to avoid your magic trace being tracked. I suggest you do it right now if you did not want to fight against those Heroes.” The Caster said in his mind in a serious tone.

Hearing the serious tone of the Caster, he walks amongst the crowds. He then managed to go back to his home by taxi.

Arriving at his house, he enters his house. ”Incoming,” Lance said before his door got knock.

”Is it alright to open the door?”. He asked.” Yes thought I needed you to brace yourself.” Surprisingly Ajax is the one who told him.

He opened the door and he signed his eyes upon seeing the woman who is in front of him.

”A Goddess?” he thought in his head after feeling Divinity from the woman in front of him.

He is about to Include his card before the woman held out his hand.

”Rest assured young one. I didn't mean you any harm reinvention of the great Ajax.” The woman said making Aaron narrowed his eyes.

”Reincarnation of Ajax? She must think that I am his reincarnation. Let's play along for now.” Aaron thought in his head.

”And what does a Goddess want with me?” Aaron asked her.

”Shouldn't you invite me to your house?” She asked Aaron.

”For a Goddess, you knew etiquette,” Aaron commented making her smile.

Both of them now are sitting in his living room with Aaron is trying to guess which Goddess is she?

”Judging by how calm and calculating you are probably Athena right?” Aaron said to her making her smiled.

”That is indeed right. I am the Goddess of Wisdom, Athena. A pleasure to meet you Ajax.”She said to him while showing him a charming smile

” Just call me Aaron,” Aaron said while trying his best to not b charmed by her beauty.

”Why do all the females in DC Universe had to be hot and sexy?” He wondered in his head before focusing back to Athena who just stared at him.

”So Athena, why do you want to meet me?” Aaron asked her.

”What if I say my father Zeus wanted to meet you because you are Ajax's reincarnation?” Athena asked Aaron who suddenly had his brain freeze hearing that.

”Zeus wanted to meet me because I am Ajax's relocation.” Aaron thought in his head before Ajax asked him a favour.

”Okay. I will let you handle this.” Aaron said and his eyes changed into a seasoned warrior with his demeanour has changed.

Athena meanwhile is shocked seeing this as the young man in front of her suddenly changed. She can now sense divinity comes from him.

”A-ajax?” She called and Aaron(Ajax) stared at her and smiled.

”Athena. It's been a long time since I met you.” Aaron said with his voice now become r than before

”Is it really you?” She asked him and he nodded his head.

”Father will be happy to meet you,” Athena said to him and Ajax just shield wryly hearing that.

”His about we go see Zeus right now?” Athena asked and Aaron holds his hand out.

”I did not want to meet him,” Aaron said.

”Why?” Athena asked.

”I have my own reasons,” Aaron replied.

Athena sigh before suddenly a spear is in her hand and trusted to his head but Aaron parries it with Rho Aias.

”You cannot win this battle Athena,” Aaron said to her who just make her spear disappear and Aaron made his weapons faded away.

”Be aware of Hades. You know how his relationship with Zeus. He will send some monsters to go after you.” Athena said to him.

”Bring it on. I will kill them.” Aaron said.

Athena then disappeared before Ajax let go of Aaron's body and Aaron regains back his body.

”Great now Hades will send some Hellhounds to my house. Like I care.” Aaron said while goes to his bedroom to get his sleep not aware of the news about him.


”What we know about him?” Batman asked the other Justice League members showing videos of him battling the black dragon.

”He is from Greek. I know the Greek runes on his armour.” Wonder Woman replied.

”He also seems to have a shield that can withstand my punch,” Superman added.

”Other than that?” Batman asked.

”He is a wizard.” Hal Jordan said making them remember the incident where the destroyed buildings suddenly changed back to normal.

”Even I cannot do that. He must possess a great knowledge of magic.” Zatara said.

”How about your daughter? Is she fine?” Flash asked Zatara.”She is fine thanks to this Lancer.” Zatara replied.

”Zatara. You mentioned she has 2 friends with her when she confronted the Black Dragon. Can you show me their pictures?” Batman asked.

”Of course Batman,” Zatara replied while showing the picture of his daughter, Raven and Aaron in his house.

”The girl can manipulate darkness and she is the son of a powerful demon. She sometimes lost control of her power and even I had to suppress it. She is an orphan. Her mother died when Nuclear Family and some cults wanted her to unleash her demon power inside her.” Zatara told the Justice League.

”What about the other one?” Batman asked him.

”Well, he is a mysterious teenager. He intrigued me.” Zatara said

”He managed to defeat the Doom Patrol and Nuclear family. Not to mention he managed to hold himself against the Black Dragon. From what Zatanna said he also is a spearman. He also has super strength and enhances agility. He also can use mana on his body along enchanted it to his spear.” Zatara explained to him.

”Is he a wizard-like you?” Batman asked Zatara.”I do not know. Perhaps he is a metahuman.” Zatara said to Batman who just nodded his head.

”Anyway, if we content this Lancer we will call for back up. Anyone who managed to hold a draw against Superman is dangerous.” Batman said to the Justice League who nodded their head.

Unknown to them, Wonder Woman or as many knew her as Diana Prince has something that she did not tell to the Justice League.

”That shield that he used, it is Rho Aias used by Ajax. I should confirm this with my mother.” She thought in her head.

Meanwhile, in a hideout, an old man now is watching the fight between Lancer and Superman along with the Black Dragon.

He is impressed with Lancer who has really good spear skills.

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He watches how calmed the Lancer and string Lancer when he engages fight with Superman. He also is tried with his shield that managed to block Superman's punch.

”Talia. I wanted you to go to New York and met this Lancer. Test his skills against yours.” The old man who is known as Ra's Al Ghul said to his daughter Talia Al Ghul who is a very pretty woman.

Talia nodded his head.

Aaron meanwhile is enjoying his sleep unaware of the dangers that will fall to his city.