”Last night, a fight happens in an abandoned factory at Queens. It seems this new vigilante that was dubbed as ”Lancer” is the one who knocked out many people in the factory. From what we have gathered, it seems this unconscious gang is, in fact, is doing drug trading and Lancer seems the one who stops this. Surprisingly, we can see Batarang on the wall of the abandoned factory. Many wonders if Batman with his sidekicks are in Queens and did the Batman with his sidekicks meet Lancer? ”
I shut off my television making me not hear the news about last night incident that involves my fight against Batgirl and Robin.
Surely it is very weird to see both of them art his city but it is not surprising as Bruce Wayne visited my city along with Gordon to attend the event of this police commissioner.
”Guess your damn luck has started to affect me Hound,” I said making Cu Chulain pissed.”It is not my own fault to have this damn luck. Besides just relax kid, it is not like that you will meet that Bat guy this night.” He said to me which make me eased a little bit.
Lancer is right. I mean what chance that I will meet Batman tonight? He has a city to protect. It is not like he will pay attention to me because of me beating Batgirl and Robin.
I arrived at my school and entered my classroom. The day passed by normally except answering a few quizzes that I easily answered.
Now it is the last period which and the homeroom teacher just handed us a paper which seems to be a field trip to Starling City, the home of Green Arrow.
It seems we will be visiting the Queen Science Facility to see this new energy source the facility created.
Well, at least my chance meeting Green Arrow will increase as we will stay at Starling City for 2 days and night since we also will attend the opening ceremony of Starling City museum.
”Okay, class, please behave well during our visit to Queen Science Facility.” My homeroom teacher said to me and my classmates.
I sit at the furthest back. Guess who sits beside me?
Raven. The daughter of Trigon sits beside me. We did not talk to each other which is really good for me.
Minutes later, we arrived at Queen Science Facility. I followed the tour guide instruction but when my eyes catch sight of a man that I really knew.
Oliver Queen or you may know him as Green Arrow, from what I heard, he is back after being stranded on an island named Lian Yu, and the story goes on with the emergence of Green Arrow.
Hmm. His story plot is like The Arrow from Arrowverse though no Deathstroke with his minions threatening this city.
Besides him is Thea Queen. I really do not know whether she is his real younger sister or not since it is revealed that she is the daughter of Tommy Merlyn and Moira Queen.
Oh. I also forget to mention that this world has Dinah Laurel Lance and Dinah Sarah Lance. Oliver Queen is in a relationship with Sara Lance who I presumed is the White Canary.
I snap out of my daze when the tour guide asked us to follow him.
After showing us many gadgets and the new source of energy, we go back to the hotel we check-in.
Now it is free time for us so some of my classmates decided to stroll around the city and I also plan to do that.
”Install Lancer,” I uttered and become the Hound Of Ulster and jumped on the roof. With Gae Bolg resting on my shoulder, I looked through the city searching for any crimes that must be stopped when I see a silhouette running on the roof.
”Huh? Isn't that Speedy. Weird. Usually, Green Arrow will always be with his sidekick?” I wondered in my head before deciding to tail the sidekick.
I followed him until he arrived at a warehouse which is full of armed guys.
Then I watched him knocked out those armed guys easily. He got some skills. As expected from Green Arrow's protege.
But I see a black hooded man in a hidden spot is leaping to Speedy's back. Speed obviously did not a wee of this so I disappear from my hiding spot.
”CLANG!” The sound of Katana hit Gae Bolg can be heard causing Speedy to look behind only to find me and the black-hooded man.
”Hmmm. You are pretty speaking to attack Speedy there. Who are you? A ninja?” I asked him but he repaints back by doing a roundhouse kick to my fave which I block with my right arm.
”Bastard,” I muttered before pushing him backwards and stab him.
”Squelch.” The sound of piercing his body to can be heard and the ninja fell to the ground withholding his bleeding stomach.
”Hmm. This ninja perhaps maybe a ninja from the League of Assasins but obviously not Ra's. Because that so call immortal is obsessed with Batman.
Wait. In Arroweverse, didn't Malcolm Merlyn has a group of his own ninjas? Crap.
I swing my spear behind me reflecting an arrow and sees a figure.
” Dark Archer! What the hell are you'd doing here?” Speedy asked while pointing his arrow at him.
”You have interrupted my business here Speedy along with that Spearman.” Dark Archer said to him with making a hand gesture and 7 Ninjas appeared.
Ohh. This makes things just got more interesting. A feral smirk appeared on my face while I unknowingly released blood lust from Gae Bolg.
That caused all the occupants in the abandoned factory froze after being hit by my bloodlust.
”So many Ninjas appeared. Now things just got more exciting.” I said before I vanished from my spot.
Sound of stabbing can be heard with 2 ninjas from to the ground with a hole on their body.
”Oi oi. Give me a fight will you?” I ask them and the ninjas throw shuriken to me but I reflected them with my spear by swinging my spear.
Then I tilt my head avoiding an arrow and stared at Dark Archer. ”Pest,” I said and leap to him.
He shot many arrows to me but I parry them all and goes to thirst him but sadly the remaining ninjas become his meat shield.
I clicked my tongue seeing this. I landed on the ground while resting Gae Bolg only shoulder.”Tch. You really are pathetic. Using your comrades like that. This fight is pointless.” I said in annoyance tone.
”Who are you to decide this fight is pointless?” Dark Archer said and fired his arrow but I once again dispersed from his sight.
”Because I am stronger than you coward,” I said from behind him and stab his knee causing him to scream pain before I kick his face.
He landed on the ground harshly. I narrowed my eyes seeing him like this. My fingers now are twitching. I just really wanted to kill this bastard right now.
But I shook my head and tried to walk away before Speedy leap in front of me and aimed his bow to me.
”Who the heck are you?” He asked me.”Lancer.” I replied.
”The Queens's vigilante. You did not look tough.” He said to me trying to make me angry.
”At least I am not a sidekick like you.” I countered back making him angry.
Then 2 figures landed in front of me and I hardens my gaze. It seems Green Arrow and Black Canary is here.
”Ho. Looks like the mentor is here. Greetings Fake Robin Hood. Hello, there beauty.” I greeted them while slightly flirting to Black Canary.
Damn. She is very sexy.
Green Arrow then coughed to get my attention from starting at Black Canary.”So you are the Lancer? Nice to meet you. So can I ask you to come with me, young man.” Green Arrow asked me.
”Sorry. But I did not want to go with your. though I will go with the sexy Black Canary alone.” I said while smirking making the Green Arrow frown.
”Oh. You want to go with me?” Black Canary asked me. I nodded my head many times.”Yeah.” I said.
But then I swung my spear hitting a dart that was aimed at me. Damn. To think they will resort to this.
I see a white figure and guess it is the White Canary. She noticed me I am looking at her and try to run but I already leap to her making her leap aside avoid my stab.
I launch a kick to her and she blocked my kick with her arms but that only made her be sent flying to the floor.
”Ho. To think the beautiful White Canary tried to knock me out with a little dart. That is cute.” I said while smirking before my smirk is gone and I have a cold face.
”What did you pests want with me?” I ask them in a cold tone.”We just wanted to know the new vigilante.” Black Canary replied while Green Arrow is helping the White Canary get up.
”Hmm. Really?” I ask her and she nodded her head.
”Well. Seeing you guys tried to knock me out, it left a bad impression for me. So Chiao!” I said before leaping away from the abandoned factory.
I am lying on my bed while closing my eyes. I tried to make contact with other cards but failed.
Damn it. Can they at least be more sociable with me?
Whatever. I got up and looked at my body. I noticed since I have Install Lancer, my body got more muscles and each day my sixth sense has increased.
That makes me like almost a super-soldier. But I knew if I ever got into a fight with Batman or Deathstroke in my human form, I will lose because unlike them, I did not practice or master many different kinds of martial arts.
Then many thoughts appeared in my mind.”So you guys are willing to train me? Thanks.” I said. Guess these heroic spirits are kind enough to train me.