My eyes opened upon hearing the noise of police siren and I immediately jump out of my bed.

I immediately check my face to see my face is the same with black hair and a light blue coloured eyes.

Then many memories entered my mind causing me to grip the table and broke after being grip hard by me.

It goes for 15 minutes before I fully grasp how this ”me” live in this world.

”Oh, you damn vampire. Out of all the world, you send me, it has to be the DC world.” I said while cursing that vampire in my heart many time.

”At least this ” me” has a mundane life and a rich boy. I did not have to worry about money right now.” I muttered to myself.

Yeah. This ”me” is a rich boy. His father is an accountant with her mother is a bank manager. But sadly they died due to being poisoned by Joker's toxic gas when they are at Gotham at the same time since they had to do something at there.

Luckily, I did not live in Gotham rather I live in Queens, New York. Anyways, they left me a lot of money making me able to pay the rent of the apartment I lived in.

This ”me” is a 16 years old teenager that studied at Queens High School which is an ordinary school where super-powered or teenage heroes studied there.

He did not get bullied even though he is a loner considering he once beat his bullies until they are admitted to hospital. And he gets detention because of that.

That is the gist of ”me” that lives in this world. Now let's focus on the most important matter.

Now that I knew that I live in the DC world. I need to prepare myself for the enemies or aliens that will invade this world.

Based on my memory, Aliens much less Darkseid did not invade Earth yet. The worst enemy that the Justice League fight against is a group of villains that inquired each respective Justice League nemesis like Joker, Bizarro, Cheetah, Captain Cold and Deathstroke.

That is troubling since the Justice League did not face any invasion even the White Maritan invasion or Darkseid's.

”Okay, now I need to train my power since I did not want my strength to destroy all the furniture in my house and probably investigate what heroes reside in the Class Cards in my body,” I said to myself before proceeding to wear my cloth.

I then get out of my apartment and start to search for a place for me to train my power.

I take my chance to see the surrounding places and bought some foods. I decided to eat it at the Park.

I eat my foods with my head thinking about the Class Cards in my body.

”It will be cool if I got a Heroic that able to match Superman's stretch or fast like The Flash. One thing that I knew is that I will be not joining the Justice League.” I thought in my head.

”Why? Because of their ” No killing” rule. I had to admit that if I ever met Joker I might really kill him to avenge my parent. That lunatic already kill many innocent people even my parent. He should be killed but the heroes are afraid to do it. I must relate this is not a fantasy rather it is a real world. You must be strong and wise to stay alive in this world where many godlike beings resided. ” I thought in these while cleaning my hands.

”First, I need to train the hand to hand combat. I already mastered some martial arts in my last life but I am not sure if I can win against Batman, Green Arrow much less Deathstroke who already mastered and trained in many different kinds of martial arts.

”Plus the most important thing is to create is a mask to hide my face. I do not want Batman or Superman to knock my apartment's door.”

”Okay. Time for me to test what I can really do.” I said before entering an alley. First thing first, I check if there is any CCTV in here and there are none. Nice.

I take a deep breath before dashing to the end of the alley. While it is not fast like the Flash, I can feel I run faster than before.

I take a deep breath before pretending to jog around the city while searching for an abandoned factory or building that I can use to train my power.

After an hour searching, I find an abandoned factory far from the city.

I immediately entered to see it was empty. Nice. I fan finally sees how really strong am I.

I grip my fist before a punch to the wall leaving a large crack appeared on the wall. If I use all my strength, I can make a hole on that wall. I then take a deep breath and crouched down.

Then I jump making me jump very high surpassing the jump of the average human. I landed down with doing the famous superhero landing.

”Damn, Deadpool is right superhero landing is really painful for the knee,” I said while rubbing my knee.

I then sit down in a mediating position before closing my eyes. I attempted to speak or connect myself to the Class Cards in my body.

Many images are being imprinted in my mind. These were memories of the heroic spirits in my body. The memory gorgeous woman wielding a menacing sword, the memory of The Hound Of Ulster, the hero from Chinese, the fearsome assassin, the memory of a conqueror, the memory of a grand Caster, the memory of a certain Bowman Bowman, the memory of a gold haired man with many gold portal behind him, the memory of a fearsome beast that send fears to anyone who gazes it, the memory of a man wielding his shield, the memory of a green-haired man which hold fearsome powers, the memory of the Sixth Demon King, the memory of an altered servant who is once a Berseker and lastly the more of the man who is dubbed as ”The Vengeance Demon.”

I closed my eyes receiving these memories.”Haha. I am so sure I can survive in this world.” I commented after seeing the memories of the heroic sports in my body. Some of them are godlike which made me felt relief since I can become godlike to battle godlike opponents.

I closed my eyes once again and focus to find the Class Cards.

I see all the Class Cards but none of them responded to me.

I tried to approach the Rider Class Card but I was pushed back by an invisible force. Okay. So I guess I am still weak now to wield their powers or them still find me unworthy.

I looked my eyes before proceeding to train to perfectly control my super strength.


A month has passed since I arrived in this world and let's just say I have perfectly control my strength which I am very thankful since I already break many glasses plates and furniture in the house causing me to spend my money buying them.

And the Class Cards still did not respond during the month I trained to control my strength.

Now I am currently at Metropolis watching the city of Superman do his heroic jobs.

I decided to come to this city because of the most powerful superior lives in the city a did there are any villains appeared I can just watch the Man of Steel defeated them easily. Plus maybe Supergirl will be available.

Yup, Supergirl also exist along with the teenage superheroes though they are not that famous.

Then not far away from me, a robbery happened. I shake my head seeing this. Really you guys so a robber in a city where 2 heroes that are faster than a bullet resides.

I just watch how those foolish robbers put in those bag of money before my eyes catch a blue blur appeared above them.

There, The Man of Steel or Superman looking at the robbers.

”I suggest you surrender yourselves.” I heard Superman said to them but they shot at him with their guns but proved useless against the bulletproof alien.

”Easy win for Superman. Things will go worse if there is Kryptonite bullet or beam hit Superman since Kryptonite is his race weakness.” I thought in my head.

I then turn my body to take my leave before I heard a beam shot. I see Superman fell to the ground with him groaning in pain.

”Curse my mouth. Now there is Metallo here.” I thought in my head.

”Hahaha. Time for you to die Superman.” Metallo said with his chest had kryptonite and shot a green beam to Superman who screamed in pain after being hit by the)Beam.

”Evacuate now.” A policeman shouted and the citizens run away from the location.

”You think you guys can run freely like that.' Metallic said before his arms reveal many small missiles that launched themselves to many random places around the area.

” No!” Superman said seeing the missiles being fired.

I who was watching a missile is approaching a woman quickly push her away making the missile missed us but the explosion made us fell to the ground.

”Are you okay?” I ask the woman who nodded her head. I then help her to stand up and she quickly runs away.

I stayed behind to see the chair that is caused by Metallo.

I can see some innocent citizens got hurt and are lying on the ground.

A spark of anger spread through my mind seeing this.

”Grandpa!” I heard the voice of a little girl and sees and the old man has feet on many debris and I can see blood scattered beneath the debris.

I approached the little girl before removing the debris away and is greeted by the sight of a bleedy leg of an old man.

I grit my teeth seeing this and grip my fist. I help the old man to stand up before helping him to walk to a safer place.

”Thank you, brother, for helping us.” The little girls said to me.”It's the right thing to help people.” I said to her while smiling.

”If only there are many people like you exist in this world, then surely we can live in peace and harmony..” The old man suddenly said to me.

I walk him to a near ambulance. I can see many injured people are being treated by medics.

”Hey brother, don't you think the heroes will defeat that villain?” The little girl suddenly asked me.

”Of course they will be here to defeat that villain,” I said to that little girl.”But they are not here.” She said to me.

I then patted her head.”Do not worry. I am sure the villain will be defeated.” I said to her.”And I am the one who will defeat him.” I thought in these before I sense a tug from one of the Class Cards.

A feral smirk forms on my head. I then take my leave before I entered a building that is half destroyed.