Volume II Part 53 (1/2)
[_Enter FRIAR TUCK with several more FORESTERS and WILL SCARLET._]
Ah, good Will Scarlet, here at last!
We should ha' been here sooner; but these others Borrowed a farmer's market cart and galloped Ahead of us!
Thy mother is in the hut, Sheer broken down with hope and fearfulness, Waiting and trembling for thee, Will. Go in, Put thy big arm around her.
[_WILL SCARLET goes into the hut with a cry._]
You see, My sons, you couldn't expect the lad to run!
There is a certain looseness in the limbs, A quaking of the flesh that overcomes The bravest who has felt a hangman's rope Cuddling his neck.
You judge him by the rope That cuddles your slim waist! Oh, you sweet armful, Sit down and pant! I warrant you were glad To bear him company.
I'll not deny it!
I am a man of solids. Like the Church, I am founded on a rock.
[_He sits down._]
Solids, i' faith!
Sir, it is true he is partly based on beef; He grapples with it squarely; but fluids, too, Have played their part in that cathedral choir He calls his throat. One G.o.dless virtue, sir, They seem to have given him. Never a nightingale Gurgles jug! jug! in mellower tones than he When jugs are flowing. Never a thrush can pipe Sweet, sweet, so rarely as, when a pipe of wine Summers his throttle, we'll make him sing to us One of his heathen ditties--_The Malmsey b.u.t.t_, Or _Down the Merry Red Lane!_
Oh, ay, you laugh, But, though I cannot run, when I am rested I'll challenge you, Robin, to a game of buffets, One fair, square, stand-up, stand-still, knock-down blow Apiece; you'll need no more. If you not kiss The turf, at my first clout, I will forego Malmsey for ever!
Friar, I recant; You're champion there. Fists of a common size I will encounter; but not whirling hams Like thine!