Volume II Part 49 (1/2)
Was Huntingdon; but now is Robin Hood.
If I refuse?
Then, sir, I must perforce Take it. I am an outlaw, but the law Of manhood still constrains me--'tis a matter Of life and death--
Take it and G.o.d be with you!
I'll follow you to Sherwood with your men.
[_ROBIN seizes the horse, leaps to the saddle, and gallops away._]
SCENE II. _Sherwood Forest. Outside the cave. JENNY, MARIAN and WIDOW SCARLET._
This dreadful waiting! How I wish that Robin Had listened to the rest and stayed with me.
How still the woods are! Jenny, do you think There will be fighting? Oh, I am selfish, mother; You need not be afraid. Robin will bring Will Scarlet safely back to Sherwood. Why, Perhaps they are all returning even now!
Cheer up! How long d'you think they've been away, Jenny, six hours or more? The sun is high, And all the dew is gone.
Nay, scarce three hours.
Now don't you keep a-fretting. They'll be back, Quite soon enough. I've scarcely spoke with you, This last three days and more; and even now It seems I cannot get you to myself, Two's quite enough.
Come, widow, come with me.
I'll give you my own corner in the hut And make you cosy. If you take a nap Will Scarlet will be here betimes you wake.
[_Takes her to the hut and shuts her in._]
There, drat her, for a mumping mumble-crust!
Come, Jenny, that's too bad; the poor old dame Is lonely.
She's not lonely when she sleeps, And if I never get you to myself Where was the good of trapesing after you And living here in Sherwood like wild rabbits?