Part 9 (1/2)

The Desert Home Mayne Reid 68220K 2022-07-19

Could it be water, or was it only the _ana_? No; it was not the latter We had witnessed this before, on our passage across the great plains We had witnessed it on several occasions, and it was nothing likesaw There is a file_ by which the experienced traveller can always distinguish it fro of that in the present instance It ater that spread before us,--for the moon, that had now risen above the cliff, was plainly reflected upon its cal but a sheet of water!” But ere determined not to trust to our eyes alone We all ran towards it--Cudjo, the boys, and e--upon the edge of what appeared to be a large lake, forical influence!

”We had at first regarded the phenos of wonder; but our wonder was now changed to consternation, e perceived that the water was still rising! It ran in about our feet while we stood, rippling slowly against the gentle ascent like the influx of a tide

”'What could it mean?' we asked of each other, with looks that betrayed our fears Was it a flood--an inundation--a sudden swelling of the stream? This it plainly was, but what could have caused it? There had been no rain for several days before, and no great heat to have caused any unusualof the snow upon the in of this sudden and singular freshet? What could it mean?

”We stood for so at the others for an answer to this question The solution seemed to strike us all at the same time, and a fearful one it was

So of the precipice perhaps--had dareat fissure by which the stream found its way from the valley If such were the case, then, the valley would soon fill ater, not only to cover the ground occupied by our cahest trees_!

”You will easily conceive the terror hich this thought was calculated to inspire us We could think of no other cause for the strange inundation; nor, indeed, did we stay longer to consider of any, but ran back to the camp, determined to escape froht the horse, Mary awoke the children, and brought theon, while the boys and I busied ourselves in collecting a few necessary things, that wewith us

”Up to this tiht of the difficulty-- from the valley_ To our horror, that now became clear as the sun at noon-day; for we perceived that the road by which we had entered the glade, and which lay along the strea water reached far beyond it! There was no other path by which we could get out To atteled woods would be the work of days; moreover, we remembered that we had crossed the stream on the way to our camp, and that, of course, would now be swollen below, so that to re-cross it would be impossible We had no doubt but that the valley, at its lower end, was by this time filled ater, and our retreat in that direction completely cut off! _We knew of no other path_!

”I cannot describe the state of mind into which ere throhen these facts became evident to one and all of us We were about to start out fro our burden; but it was plainly of no usethe atte of despair The water was still rising--_the lake was growing larger_!

”The wolves howled, driven fro element-- birds, roused fro the trees-- our dogs barked at the strange sight--and, in the clear ht, we could see deer, and other wild anilade O God! e to be engulfed, and perish in this mysterious flood?

”What was to be done? Should we clireat channel was blocked up below, I knew that _that_ would not save us; for its jaere higher than the tops of the highest trees, and the rising flood would soon wash us fro our lives, and with theht, heaven-directed, at this moment entered my mind

”'_A raft! a raft! we shall yet be saved_!'

”My co Cudjo seized the axe, while Mary hastened to the wagon to collect such ropes and cords as were in it I knew there would not be enough of these for our purpose; and, spreading out the great elk-skin, I proceeded to cut it into stripes

”There were several logs lying close to our caht trees, that, from time to time, had fallen, and were now quite dead and dry They were the trunks of the beautiful _rhododendrons_, or tulip-trees, out of which the Indians always et them of sufficient size This, because their wood is extre only twenty-six pounds to the cubic foot While busy s into equal lengths Cudjo kne to handle an axe with any s were soon of the proper diether, and, by the aid of our ropes and cross pieces, lashed them firmly to one another; and our raft was co the jerked meat, with our blankets, and such utensils as were necessary to be saved We laid in no stock of water for the expected voyage--we had no fear about our having enough of that

”We had been occupied nearly two hours in constructing the raft; but during all this time we had been so busy, that we had hardly looked in the direction of the flood--only to see that it still continued to rise

As soon as our arrangee After watching it for a few reat joy I perceived that _the flood was at a stand_! I shouted the glad news toit, hastened to join me, and assure themselves by actual observation For half-an-hour, we all stood upon the shore of the new-formed lake, until we becaher We saw, too, that they did not subside, but remained stationary 'It has reached the top of whatever has da over'

”'What a pity, Massa Roff,' said Cudjo, as ended our way back to the camp; 'what a pity we make dat fine raff for nuffin!'

”'Ah, Cudjo,' rejoinedperformed that which is a work of precaution; and we h it may not be required as we intended it--has already far more than repaid us for the labour bestowed upon it Re but a short time since, and from which the idea of this raft at once relieved us Measures of precaution, however irksome, should always be adopted It is only the slothful and vacillating who either neglect or regret them'

”'Dat's true, Missa--dat's berry true,' said Cudjo, in a serious tone, for he well kne to appreciate the teachings of his noble mistress

”It was now very late, or rather very early, and Mary, with the children, returned to their usual resting-place in the wagon Cudjo and I, fearing to trust to the capricious water, deter'--to keep watch on it till the ”



”When daylight caht I call itof what had so suddenly created it We could think of no other cause than the falling in of the precipice below I had deterh the woods, and reard to this strange pheno spear, and the boys with their rifles, to guard the caun, as well as a sh the brushwood