Part 2 (1/2)
We were iht, for ound up to a pitch of extreed for an explanation ofaround us
Night cath; and after an excellent supper, we all sat around the cheerful fire, to listen to the strange history of Robert Rolfe--for that was the name of our host
”Brothers,” began he, ”I alish o My father was a yeoentleman-farmer
Unfortunately, he was a man of too much ambition for his class He was deterentleman in the ordinary sense of the word; that is, that I should be educated in all those expensive habits and accomplish the direct road to ruin This was not wise of raceful in reat fondness for ood, kind father, was ever charged with Beyond this somewhat foolish a men
”I was sent to those schools where I should ht to dance, to ride, and to play I was allowed spending ne, and drink it, with any of e life, I was sent upon my travels I made the tour of the Rhine, of France, and Italy; and after soland-- sent for, to be present at the death of my father
”I was now sole heir to his property, which was by no means inconsiderable for a man of his class I soon reduced it in bulk I must needs live in London, where I could enjoy the coe cost them while my purse held out--for many of them were needyto live upon but their pay Of course, suchto lose, and all to win; and it was but a short year or two, until they had won from me the best part ofa bankrupt But one thing saved me--_she_ saved me!”
Here our host pointed to his wife, who sat surrounded by her fareat fireplace The lady held down her eyes and s attentively, all turned towards her with looks of interest
”Yes,” continued he, ”Mary saved ether in earlier life; and at this tiain etting married
”Fortunately, my dissipated life had not destroyed, as it often does with men, all my virtuous principles Many of these, that had been early instilled into ood mother, still remained fixed and true
”As soon as ere ether ine Once you are surrounded by associates, such as ations--it requires both courage and virtuous detere them It requires a terrible effort to free one's self from evil companions, whose interest it is, that you should still reate as themselves But I was resolved; and, thanks to the counsels ofout my resolve
”To pay my debts, I was compelled to sell the property left ed, I found myself worth only five hundred pounds
”My little wife, there, had brought me the sum of twenty-five hundred; and this still left us three thousand pounds hich to begin the world Three thousand pounds is notthe class of people ho several years in trying to increase it, I found that it was every day growing less I found, after three years engaged in far, that my three thousand pounds was only worth two I was told that this suo much farther in Ahts of providing well for my family, I embarked with my wife and children for New York
”There I found the very in life in the New World My predilections were in favour of agriculture; and these were encouraged by the advice of him whom I had met He told me that it would be unwise for me to lay out my money upon new or uncleared land; as, with my want of experience as a far it of its timber than the land would be worth 'It would be better for you,' continued my new acquaintance, 'to buy a tract already cleared and fenced, with a good house upon it, where you will be at ho; but would my money be sufficient for this? 'Oh, yes,' answered he; and then he told inia,'--a plantation, as he called it, that would suit me exactly It could be purchased for five hundred pounds With the remainder of my money I should be able to stock it handsomely
”After soed to hiht it from him, and set out immediately after for my new home”
”I found the farood wooden house, and well-enclosed fields I i cash What was reater part of this in _buying men_! Yes-- there was no alternative There were no labourers to be had in the place--except such as were slaves--and these I must either buy for myself, or hire from their masters, which, in point ofthat I ht treat them with at least as much humanity, as they appeared to receive fro a nuan life as a planter After such a bargain as that, I did not deserve to prosper; and I did not prosper, as you shall see
”My first crop failed; in fact, it scarcely returned me the seed The second was still worse; and to my mortification I now ascertained the cause of the failure I had come into possession of a 'worn-out' farht you would have called it a fertile tract When I first saw it hted with ain for the small sum of money I had paid But appearances are often deceptive; and never was there a greater deception than inia It was utterly worthless It had been cropped for many years with ularly carried off the land, and not a stalk or blade suffered to return to the soil As a natural fact, known to alanicwill reanic or purely etation, and of course can give no crop This is the reason whyof substances that are for the etation Of course, gentleression, astothem in facts that may hereafter be useful to them
”Well, as I have said, I had no crops, or rather very bad ones, for the first and second years On the third it was, if possible, still worse; and on the fourth and fifth no better than ever I need hardly add that by this ti and clothing ht me in debt to a considerable aer on my worthless plantation, even had I desired it I was co--farroes No, I did not sell all
There was one honest fellohom both Mary and I had become attached