Part 14 (1/2)
”None whatever,” retorted Pepper, ”if you were capable of doing it”
”Now listen to that!” cried Rand ”Pepper thinks he's the only one that can think If you have got any thinks in your think-tank open the valve and let some of them escape”
”One at a time, Pepper,” added Donald; ”h your interruptions?” asked Pepper; ”because, if you are, I'll elucidate”
”Ah, what's that?” cried Rand, ”you'll do what? How do you spell it?”
”Elucidate--explain--make dear,” replied Pepper ”Do I roaned Rand ”Say, Pepper, skip the hard ones, and tell us what's troubling you”
”What I was going to say,” went on Pepper, ”was, don't you think--now don't interrupt--that it would be a good idea to have Gerald Moore and dick Wilson meet with us to have a talk about the Scout business?”
”Seeht be,” ad Gerald join us, Jack?” asked Rand
”I suppose you had soood reason”
”Well, I hardly know,” responded Jack ”It just ca the other day He's an all-around good fellow, you know, even if he does not have much money Full of fun, and you can depend upon hireed Rand ”I don't know much about him, except that he was in our class at school, and I'ainst hiuess it was because he made me work so hard to keep up with hily ”It was all I could do, too”
”dick's a jolly good fellow, too,” put in Pepper
”For he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow, for he's a jolly good fellow,” sang Jack, whereupon they ail joined in the refrain
”Said anything to the it over and over until they were tired
”Well, hardly,” replied Jack, ”considering it was only the day before yesterday that we thought of it, though I suppose if we are going to do anything it is ti about it”
”Ah reckon dat a his tone he went on: ”What do you say to having ait over? We can have Gerald and dick come and make a start if we like”
”That's the way, Rand,” approved Pepper, ”if you are going to do things, do them!”
”I see no objection,” concluded Donald
”Of course you don't,” returned Pepper ”Do you knohy?”
”Why, Pepper?” asked Donald
”Because there isn't any,” retorted Pepper
”Where e meet?” asked Jack