Part 10 (1/2)
”Did you wear a condom?”
”I always wore a condom,” I said, laughing. ”Well, before you.”
She smiled and rolled her eyes. ”Right.” But then her legs slid up around my waist. ”Before me.” All I needed to do was s.h.i.+ft my hips slightly and I would be able to press inside her. Yet somehow, talking about this naked and over her felt perfect. We had no secrets. ”Did she come?” she asked.
Sighing, I admitted, ”She faked it.”
Chloe laughed, head pressed back into the pillow so she could see me better. ”You're sure?”
”Positive. It was an impressive effort if not a bit over-the-top.”
”Poor girl didn't know what she was missing then.”
”It was only a few days before the conference room,” I whispered, kissing the corner of her mouth. ”I think I was probably already in love with you. So when I think back to that night with Amber, it feels as though I cheated. Given how you found me tonight-blindfolded, pa.s.sively accepting an erotic dance-I want to air all of my potential sins. I guess that's why I'm talking about Amber now.”
Her face straightened, eyes wide and earnest. ”Babe. You didn't cheat. Either with Amber or if had been another woman tonight dancing for you.”
”I wouldn't, you know,” I said, my voice tight. Reaching above her, I untied her hands, rubbing her wrists carefully. ”You saw that I wasn't aroused until I knew it was you. I couldn't be unfaithful to you.”
She nodded, and I kissed up her neck to her swollen lips. Swollen from the rough treatment I gave her not long ago. Holy s.h.i.+t she must be sore everywhere. Even still, she lowered her arms, reached between us, and rubbed me over the crease of her s.e.x.
When she kissed me, she moaned quietly against my tongue. ”You taste like me.”
”However could that have happened?” I asked, nibbling her bottom lip.
Angling her hips, she pushed up into me, suddenly demanding and urgent.
”Easy,” I whispered, pulling back and sinking into her slowly, groaning into her neck. ”Don't go too fast.” f.u.c.k. She even felt like honey, smooth and sweet. ”So good. Always so f.u.c.king good, Chlo.”
”How did you know?”
I paused for a moment as I pulled my hips back, interpreting her question. ”How did I know you're sore?”
She nodded.
It was her favorite game, the one where I told her every tiny thing I noticed. I paid attention; she loved it.
”You rode my fingers pretty hard earlier.”
She hummed, eyes closed and hands running down my back.
”And I wasn't particularly gentle in the restroom.”
”You really weren't,” she whispered, turning her head to suck on my shoulder.
I started an easy, steady rhythm moving in her. ”So just now, when I put my mouth on you? I wasn't surprised you were a little swollen.”
”Close. Faster, please, baby,” she gasped, but I didn't pick up speed.
”Not faster,” I objected, lips near her ear. ”It's the slow s.e.x that drives me most wild. It's when I can feel you best, hear every sound you're making. I can imagine how we might look beneath the blankets, where I'm moving in you. I think about how many times I'll make you come. I don't have all of those thoughts when I'm f.u.c.king you hard in a bed, or in a bathroom of a casino.”
Her breath faltered, and she held it, silently begging me to get her there. She ran her hands up my back, around my neck to my face. I felt the cool press of her engagement ring, thinking holy s.h.i.+t, this woman is going to be my wife, have my children, share my home and my life. She'll see me grow old and most likely insane. She'll promise to love me through all of it.
I lifted myself above her, arms straight so I could watch what I was feeling, moving inside her. But her hands cupped my face, brought my attention back to her eyes.
I tried to catch my breath, felt sweat drop from my forehead onto her chest. ”Yeah?”
She licked her lips, swallowed. ”I am so in love with you.” Her thumb slipped into my mouth and I bit down sharply, causing her to let out a tight moan. ”And whatever happens outside of this, of us like this . . .”
”I know.”
We shared a desperate look, a mutual, silent agreement that we would never get enough, that maybe the ideal life was us here like this, alone and touching, but it would never be our reality to exist here exclusively. It was why she crashed my bachelor party but would leave tomorrow. It was why I couldn't stay away, knowing she was in the same city.
And here she was, limbs heavy and fevered beneath me, hips rising urgently up to mine to get what she needed. She would always belong to me-at home, at work, in bed-and that thought sent me barreling down the road to my release.
She was close, but unfortunately I was closer. ”Get there, sweet thing. I . . . I can't . . .”
Her hands gripped my hips, head pus.h.i.+ng back into the pillow. ”Please.”
My body tensed, hips thrusting wildly, my o.r.g.a.s.m held back by barely a thread. ”f.u.c.king get there, Mills.”
It was the voice I used sparingly because I never wanted it to lose its effect on her. With a flush down her chest, she arched off the bed, pulling her thighs high up against her body to send me deep into her. With her lips parting in a sharp cry, she dissolved into her o.r.g.a.s.m beneath me.
I'd never tire of the view of Chloe coming. The blush on her skin, the nearly drugged darkness of her eyes as she watched me, and the way her lips shaped my name . . . Every f.u.c.king time it reminded me that I was the only man to ever give her pleasure like this. Her arms fell away, heavy with exhaustion, and her tongue peeked out to wet her lips.
”f.u.c.k,” she whispered, shaking.
Relief washed through me, opening the floodgates and permitting my own body to tumble forward, blind to everything but the sensation of her around me. The sweetness of her, the wetness of her . . . My back bowed back as I came, shouting out into the quiet, sterile room.
The sound of my yell echoed from the ceiling when I collapsed onto her, sweaty and heavy. I wanted to nestle my face into the smooth curve of her neck and sleep for at least three days.
She laughed, groaning under my weight. ”Get off me, Hulk.”
I rolled away, practically cras.h.i.+ng into the mattress beside her. ”d.a.m.n, Chlo. That was . . .”
She curled into me, purring, ”Very, very good.” Stretching to nibble at my jaw, she whispered, ”I'm going to need at least ten minutes before we do that again.”
I laughed, and then it turned into a hoa.r.s.e cough as the idea hit me fully. ”Jesus, woman. I may need a bit longer than that. Just f.u.c.king cuddle me for a few.”