Part 40 (1/2)

176 ”Ut unusquisque liber h.o.m.o innostro regno seniorem quem voluerit in n.o.bis et in nostris fidelibus accipiat,” art. 2, of the Declaration of Charles.

177 Capitulary of the year 877, t.i.t. 53, arts. 9 and 10, ”apud Carisiac.u.m,” ”similiter et de nostris va.s.sallis faciendum est,” etc. This capitulary relates to another of the same year, and of the same place, art. 3.

178 Capitulary of Aix-la-Chapelle, in the year 813, art. 16, ”quod nullus seniorem suum dimittat post quam ab eo acceperit valente solidum unum”; and the Capitulary of Pepin, in the year 783, art. 5.

179 See the Capitulary de Carisiaco in the year 856, arts. 10 and 13, Baluzius's edition, tom. ii. p. 83, in which the King, together with the lords spiritual and temporal, agreed to this: 'Et si aliquis de vobis talis est cui suus senioratus non placet, et illi simulat ut ad alium seniorem melius quam ad illum acaptare possit, veniat ad illum, et ipse tranquillo et pacifico animo donet illi quod Deus illi cupierit et ad alium seniorem acaptare potuerit, pacifice habeat.”

180 In the year 757, art. 6, Baluzius's edition, p. 181.

181 Book I. chap. i.

182 At least in Italy and Germany.

183 Book I. of fiefs, chap. i.

184 Ibid.

185 Capitulary of the year 802, art. 7, Baluzius's edition, p. 365.

186 ”Apud Marsnam,” in the year 847, Baluzius's edition, p. 42.

187 ”Volumus ut cujusc.u.mque nostrum h.o.m.o in cujusc.u.mque regno sit, c.u.m seniore suo in hostem, vel aliis suis utilitatibus, pergat, nisi talis regni invasio quam Lantuveri dic.u.n.t, quod absit, acciderit, ut omnis populus illius regni ad eam repellendam communiter pergat,” art. 5, ibid. p. 44.

188 ”Apud Argentoratum,” in Baluzius, Capitularies, tom. ii. p. 39.

189 See the law of Guy, King of the Romans, among those which were added to the Salic law, and to that of the Lombards, t.i.t. 6, sec. 2, in Echard.

190 Some authors pretend that the County of Toulouse had been given away by Charles Martel, and pa.s.sed by inheritance down to Raymond, the last count; but, if this be true, it was owing to some circ.u.mstances which might have been an inducement to choose the Counts of Toulouse from among the children of the last possessor.

191 See his Capitulary of the year 877, t.i.t. 53, arts. 9 and 10, ”apud Carisiac.u.m.” This capitulary bears relation to another of the same year and place, art. 3.

192 The third Capitulary of the year 812, art. 7, and that of the year 815, art. 6, on the Spaniards. The collection of the Capitularies, book 5, art. 223, and the Capitulary of the year 869, art. 2, and that of the year 877, art. 13, Baluzius's edition.

193 As appears from Otho of Frisingon, ”of the actions of Frederic,” book II. chap. xxix.

194 See the ordinance of Philip Augustus in the year 1209, in the new collection.

195 Book I. t.i.t. 1.

196 ”Sic progressum est, ut ad filios deveniret in quem Dominus hoc vellet beneficium confirmare.”-Ibid.

197 At least in Italy and Germany.

198 ”Quod hodie ita stabilitum est, ut ad omnes aequaliter veniat.”-Book I. of the fiefs, t.i.t. 1.

199 Gerardus Niger and Aubertus de Orto.

200 ”c.u.m vero Conradus Romam proficisceretur, pet.i.tum est a fidelibus qui in ejus erant servitio, ut, lege ab eo promulgata, hoc etiam ad nepotes ex filio producere dignaretur, et ut frater fratri sine legitimo haerede defuncto in beneficio quod eorum patris fuit, succedat.”-Book I. of fiefs, t.i.t. 1.

201 Cujas has proved it extremely well.

202 ”Sciendum est quod beneficium advenientes ex latere, ultra fratres patrueles non progreditur successione alantiquis sapientibus const.i.tutum, licet moderno tempore usque ad septimum geniculum sit usurpatum, quod in masculis descendentibus novo jure in infinitum extenditur.”-Ibid.

203 Arnold and his son Louis IV.

204 In the year 926, quoted by Aubert le Mire, ”Cod. donationum piarum,” chap. xxvii.

205 See the Capitulary of Charles the Bald, in the year 877, ”apud Carisiac.u.m,” on the importance of Paris, St. Denis, and the castles on the Loire, in those days.

206 See above, chap. 30.

207 See the Salic Law, and the law of the Ripuarians, in the t.i.tle of ”allodia.”

208 See the Capitulary of the year 817, which contains the first part.i.tion made by Louis the Debonnaire among his children.

209 See his two letters upon this subject, the t.i.tle of one of which is ”de divisione imperii.”

210 See the ordinance of Philip Augustus, in the year 1209, on the fiefs.

211 We find several of these conventions in the charters, as in the register book of Vendome, and that of the abbey in St. Cyprian in Poitou, of which Mr. Galland has given some extracts, p. 55.

212 But they could not abridge the fiefs; that is, abolish a portion of it.

213 They fixed the portion which they could dismember.

214 This was the reason that the lords obliged the widow to marry again.

215 Most of the great families had their particular laws of succession. See what M. de la Thauma.s.siere says concerning the families of Berri.

216 We see in the Capitulary of the year 817, ”apud Carisiac.u.m,” art. 3, Baluzius's edition, tom. ii. p. 269, the moment in which the kings caused the fiefs to be administered in order to preserve them for the minors; an example followed by the lords, and which gave rise to what we have mentioned by the name of ”the guardians.h.i.+p of a n.o.bleman's children.”

217 We find the formula thereof in the second Capitulary of the year 802. See also that of the year 854, art. 13, and others.

218 M. du Cange in the word ”hominium,” p. 1163, and in the word ”fidelitas,” p. 474, cites the charters of the ancient homages where these differences are found, and a great number of authorities which may be seen. In paying homage, the va.s.sal put his hand on that of his lord, and took his oath; the oath of fealty was made by swearing on the gospels. The homage was performed kneeling, the oath of fealty standing. None but the lord could receive homage, but his officers might take the oath of fealty.-See Littleton, secs. 91, 92, faith and homage, that is, fidelity and homage.

219 Capitularies of Charles the Bald in the year 860, ”post reditum a Confluentibus,” art. 3, Baluzius's edition, p.145.

220 Ibid. art. 1.

221 ”Lib. de administratione sua.”

222 Anno 757, chap. xvii.

223 ”Ta.s.silo venit in va.s.satico se commendans, per ma.n.u.s sacramenta juravit multa et innumerabilia, reliquiis sanctorum ma.n.u.s imponens et fidelitatem promisit regi Pippino.” One would think that here was an homage and an oath of fealty. See the note 218 preceding page.

224 Book IV. ”de feudis,” t.i.t. 59.