Part 21 (1/2)
72 Ibid. t.i.t. 14. It seems the first Julian laws allowed three years.-”Speech of Augustus,” in Dio, lib. LVI.; Suetonius, ”Life of Augustus,” cap. x.x.xiv. Other Julian laws granted but one year: the Papian law gave two.-”Frag. Of Ulpian,” t.i.t. 14. These laws were not agreeable to the people; Augustus, therefore, softened or strengthened them as they were more or less disposed to comply with them.
73 This was the 35th head of the Papian law.-Leg. 19 ff. ”de t.i.tu nuptiarum.”
74 See Dio, lib. LIV., anno 736; Suetonius, in ”Octavio,” cap. x.x.xiv.
75 Dio, lib. LIV.; and in the same Dio, the ”Speech of Augustus,” lib. LVI.
76 ”Frag. of Ulpian,” t.i.t. 16, and the 27th law. cod. ”de nuptiis.”
77 Ibid. t.i.t. 16, sec. 3.
78 See Suetonius in ”Claudio,” cap. xxiii.
79 Ibid. ”Life of Claudius,” cap. xxiii., and the ”Frag. of Ulpian,” t.i.t. 16, sec. 3.
80 Dio, lib. LIV.; ”Frag. of Ulpian,” t.i.t. 13.
81 ”Augustus's speech,” in Dio, lib. LVI.
82 ”Frag. of Ulpian,” cap. xiii., and the 44th law ff. ”de ritu nuptiarum.”
83 Ibid. t.i.t. 13 and 16.
84 See Law 1, in cod. ”de natur. lib.”
85 ”Novell.” 177.
86 Law 37 ff. de operib. libertorum,” sec. 7; ”Frag. of Ulpian,” t.i.t. 16. sec. 2.
87 Frag. of Ulpian,” t.i.t. 16, sec. 2.
88 See book XXVI. chap. xiii.
89 Except in certain cases. See the ”Frag. of Ulpian.” t.i.t. 18, and the only law in cod. ”de Caduc. tollend.”
90 ”Relatum de moderanda Papia Poppaea.”-Tacit. ”Annal.” lib. III. p. 117.
91 He reduced them to the fourth part-Suetonius, in ”Nerone,” cap. x.
92 See Pliny's ”Panegyric.”
93 Severus extended even to twenty-five years for the males, and to twenty for the females, the time fixed by the Papian law, as we see by comparing the ”Frag. of Ulpian,” t.i.t. 16, with what Tertullian says, ”Apol.” cap. iv.
94 P. Scipio, the Censor, complains, in his speech to the people, of the abuses which were already introduced, that they received the same privileges for adopted as for natural children.-Aulus Gellius, lib. V. cap. xix.
95 See the 31st law ff. ”de ritu nuptiarum.”
96 Augustus in the Papian law gave them the privilege of mothers. See Dio, lib. LXVI. Numa had granted them the ancient privilege of women who had three children; that is, of having no guardian.-Plutarch, ”Life of Numa.”
97 This was granted them by Claudius.-Dio, lib. LX.
98 Leg. apud eum, ff. ”de manumissionib.” sec.1.
99 Dio, lib. LV.
100 See, in Cicero's ”Offices,” his sentiments on the spirit of speculation.
101 Nazarius, ”in panegyrico Constantini,” anno 321.
102 See Laws 1, 2, 3, in the Theodosian code ”de bonis maternis,” ”maternique generis,” etc., and the only law in the same code, ”de bonis quae filiis famil. acquiruntur.”
103 Leg. unic. cod. Theod: ”de Infirm. pn. caelib. et orbit.”
104 Sozomenus, p. 27.
105 Leg. 2 and 3, cod. Theod. ”de jur. liber.”
106 Leg. Sancimus, cod. ”de nuptiis.”
107 ”Novell.” 127, cap. iii.; ”Novell.” 118; cap. v.
108 Leg. 54 ff. ”de condit. et demonst.”
109 Leg. 5, sec. 4, ”de jure patronatus.”
110 Paul, in his ”Sentences,” lib. III. t.i.t. 4, sec. 15.
111 ”Antiquities of Rome,” lib. II.
112 Ibid.
113 Lib. IX.
114 Lib. III. ”de legib.”
115 ”De Moribus Germanorum.”
116 There is no t.i.tle on this subject in the Digest; the t.i.tle of the Code says nothing of it, any more than the ”Novels.”
117 ”Introduction to the History of Europe,” chap. v. of France. This is obviously a numerical blunder, since, according to the Census of 1751, and France was never so populous as at that time, she did not possess twenty millions.-Voltaire.
118 Mahommedan countries surround it almost on every side.
119 The edict of 1666 in favor of marriages.
120 See Sir John Chardin's ”Travels through Persia,” vol. viii.