Chapter 2 (1/2)

Girl Corps Action 32230K 2022-07-22


「Dammit, now what do I do?」

Due to the flash from the smartphone, my eyes were filled with tears. Isn’t the amount of light my phone is producing too much?

「Although I can’t see anything……I can feel a light breeze」

Though I should be in my room, I can feel the wind for some reason. I thought that it might be due to an open window, but I remember it being closed. The feeling under my feet is also strange. The floor should be made up of the flooring in my room. However, the floor feels rough now, it feels as if I’m stepping outside onto the ground with bare feet. It shouldn’t be this rough, did I perhaps drop crumbs when I was eating my Rusk? (TLN: Rusk is like a hard piece of bread, I think in j.a.pan they make it sweet like a dessert)

「I really shouldn’t eat before falling asleep……well, finally I can see……..oh?」

Tears endlessly flow from my eyes as I open my closed eyelids. Then, in the s.p.a.ce before me, something blurred was there. Oh?…….wasn’t I supposed to be in my room? Yet why does this place look like a………savannah? As far as I could see, gra.s.sland was spread out across the horizon (TLN: Savannah)

I should be in my room playing on my smartphone. Yet here I am in the middle of a savannah. I don’t know what’s going on at all. This is impossible. No way, did I faint after missing out on Luna-chan and I’m now dreaming? That’s right, it must be right. After all, it was about 00:00 at midnight when this started, yet the sun is so bright now. However, this is my first time in such a realistic dream.

「It hurts!! That’s painful!? so……this isn’t a dream….no, it’s too early to make a conclusion」

I pinch my cheek as a test. I guess it’s useless to judge whether or not it’s a dream by pain alone. To be honest, I really want to scream and run around, but I maintain my calm. Perhaps it’s because it’s a land I don’t recognise, but I can’t stay calm. This would be a really bad situation if it was reality. First off, I’m barefoot and in pyjamas. It would be too reckless to walk around randomly in such a wide s.p.a.ce like this. Also, if I’m attacked by wildlife, I’ll be done for.

For now, I should at least look for some type of refuge. Looking up, I saw a tree a short distance away, I’ll head there for now. If I can climb it, I’ll be safe, also it will let me look and see if there are any people here.

……I just hope there aren’t any snakes, leopards or bears.

Approaching the side of the tree, the sun seems to have moved, it’s ascended. That means there’s still a lot of time until the sun goes down. If I stay up at night in the gra.s.slands, it will be dangerous. If I stay in the tree, will it be okay? The height of the tree seems to be just over 5m, it seems possible to climb it barefooted.

「GUKYAA!? $%#&!! $%#&!!」


As I’m walking whilst immersed in thought, a voice is suddenly heard behind me. A purple creature resembling a human child was standing there, walking on two legs. In one hand, it seemed to be holding a wooden club. It was pointing at me excitedly. Instead of waiting to find out what it is, I began to run. I perceived a dangerous atmosphere.

「Haa……Haa…..d.a.m.n, what was that?」

After bolting away from the creature, I headed towards the tree, climbing to the top in an instant. Even though I don’t do physical labour, I’m still in the first half of my twenties…….the climb was fairly easy. After climbing to about 4m, I look down at the huddled thick branches.

「%#&! %#&!」

Multiple purple organisms were shouting whilst pointing at me. I quietly praise my intuition. Since my safety is confirmed, should I view the organisms a bit more? If I put it into fantasy terms, wouldn’t it be called a goblin? Regardless, I should be ok, they don’t seem to be able to climb the tree. One of the goblins tried to climb the tree, but then gave up and hit the tree with its club, before running off.

「Huh? It’s almost like I’m in a different world…..」

After seeing the goblin leave, I leaked a voice.

――Different world. So it is a different world. Before I came here, GC gave me an item that was an invitation to a different world. In other words, it’s because of that item that I’m here?……..don’t be stupid. I used that item on my smartphone, there’s no way that can be true. Looking over my body with my hands, I searched for my smartphone. I found it in one of my pockets. I then pulled it out and pressed the home b.u.t.ton. The screen that appeared wasn’t my usual home screen, instead it looked like GC. I tried to press the home b.u.t.ton multiple times to change it, but it wouldn’t change.

「Oh, that’s strange. Did it break?」

I pushed the b.u.t.ton many times with a tick, tick, tick, but the screen didn’t show anything expect for GC. Instead of continuing, I tapped the GC app.