Part 17 (1/2)
”Yes,” she said to herself with a thrill of satisfaction. ”It's sure Sergeant Silk.” And he in his turn was as quick to recognise the Indian girl who did the at Rattlesnake Ranch.
”How do, Maple Leaf?” he cried in greeting, drawing rein in front of her as she stood up. ”Alone, eh? We came upon your trail 'way back there on the plains. Been west somewhere near b.u.t.terfly Creek, I reckon?”
”Yes,” she responded. ”Been along to take things to father and Rip.”
He glanced at her pony nibbling at the fresh gra.s.s, then at the preparations she had made for her bivouac.
”Say, aren't you a bit afraid to be camping out all alone so far from home?” he asked.
She shrugged her shoulders.
”Why should I be?” she returned. ”There's no danger. What could happen?”
”You might lose your pony, for one thing,” he smiled. ”For another thing, there are Indians knocking about--hostile Indians, who have broken bounds. That is why we are here.” He nodded in the direction of his companions of the Mounted Police. ”We are out on their trail, to drive them back into their Reservation. There might be danger from them, even for you, who are yourself an Indian; though there's not much to be afraid of while our fellows are at hand to look after you.”
”I shall be all right,” she a.s.sured him.
”Have you everything you want?” he inquired. ”I'll bring you some cooked meat presently, and an extra blanket. It'll be cold after sundown. And in the morning you may as well fall in with our outfit, see? We shall be going along the Rattlesnake trail, after we've rounded up the Indians.”
”I should only hinder you,” she replied. ”I'm not needing any sort of help. I shall not take any. I am going to quit.”
Sergeant Silk had already moved to go away, and amid the roar of the neighbouring waterfall he did not hear her last words.
When he returned to his comrades the teamsters had brought their wagons down the hill, the mounted men had formed up and were unsaddling. The wagons made a second line in their rear, and a rope was stretched from wheel to wheel, to which each trooper tied his horse before the teams were unharnessed.
Three of the men had chosen a spot by some bushes where an iron bar was set on a pair of uprights five feet apart, and before the sound of the axes had ceased in the bush three full kettles were swinging over a roaring fire.
A bell tent was pitched for the officer in command; the horses were watered, groomed, and fed, then at a merry call from the bugle there was a dash to the wagons for plates and cups, while knives were whipped from belt or bootleg ready for a general a.s.sault on fried bacon, hard biscuit, and scalding tea.
After the meal, when the men were beginning to cut up their plug tobacco and load their pipes, Sergeant Silk gathered some food into a blanket and filled a flagon with hot tea. His chums watched him, curious concerning his preparations.
”You going out on scout duty then, Sergeant?” one of them inquired.
”This grub isn't for myself,” he explained, nodding in the direction of Maple Leaf's camp beyond a projecting corner of the ravine. ”I'm taking it to a girl bivouacking alone farther up the canon.”
”Alone?” one of them exclaimed in surprise. ”Must be an Indian. No white girl would camp out all alone in a place like this.”
”That's so,” nodded Silk. ”She's just an Indian--the ch.o.r.e girl from Rattlesnake Ranch, daughter of The Moose That Walks. Guess you know her, most of you. She once saved me from being scalped and roasted. I owe her some special attention.”
”Say, Sergeant,” suggested a trooper from the far side of the fire, ”mightn't you have brought her into camp? We'd have fixed up a nice, homelike, comfortable room for her in one of the wagons. And I'd have mounted guard outside to keep away the mosquitoes. No mosquito'll go near any one else while I'm around.”
Sergeant Silk had saddled his broncho and was about to mount when he turned sharply at the sound of hoofs.
”Here's Denis Murphy coming in,” he announced. ”I'll wait and hear if he's seen anything of those Redskins. Something has kept him.”
Murphy was descending from the heights by the tracks made by the wagon wheels. As he approached along the level ground the commanding officer strode out from his tent, smoking a cigar. Murphy came to a halt in front of him and saluted.