Part 18 (1/2)

”Oh no,” said Peggy; ”my slippers were a weeny bit wet, so I've changed them. My frock wouldn't have been dirtied, only I felled in the wet, Miss Earnshaw, but Brown--one of the little girls, you know, that lives in the house where the shop is--picked me up, and there's no harm done, is there? And I've got the pipes, and won't my brothers be peleased,”

she chirruped on in her soft, cheery way.

Miss Earnshaw could not blame her, though she determined to be more on the look-out for the future. And soon after came twelve o'clock, and then the young dressmaker was obliged to go, bidding Peggy ”Good-bye till Monday morning.”

The boys came home wet and hungry, and grumbling a good deal at the rainy half-holiday. Peggy had hidden the six pipes in her little bed, but after dinner she made the three boys shut their eyes while she fetched them out and laid them in a row on the table. Then, ”You may look now,” she said; ”it's my apprise,” and she stood at one side to enjoy the sight of their pleasure.

”Hurrah,” cried Terry, ”pipes for soap-bubbles! Isn't it jolly? Isn't Peggy a brick?”

”Dear Peggy,” said Baldwin, holding up his plump face for a kiss.

”Poor old Peg-top,” said Thor, patronisingly. ”They seem very good pipes; and as there's six of them, you and I can break one a-piece if we like, Terry, without its mattering.”

Peggy looked rather anxious at this.

”Don't try to break them, Thor, pelease,” she said; ”for if you beginned breaking it might go on, and then it would be all spoilt like the last time, for there's no fun in soap-bubbling by turns.”

”No, that's quite true,” said Terry. ”You remember the last time how stupid it was. But of course we won't break any, 'specially as they're yours, Peggy. We'll try and keep them good for another time.”

”Did you spend all your pennies for them?” asked Baldwin, sympathisingly.

”Not quite all,” said Peggy. ”I choosed them myself,” she went on, importantly. ”There was a lot in a box.”

”Why, where did you get them? You didn't go yourself to old Whelan's, surely?” asked Thor, sharply.

”Yes, I runned across the road,” said Peggy. ”You always get them there, Thor.”

”But it's quite different. I can tell you mamma won't be very pleased when she comes home to hear you've been so disobedient.”

Poor Peggy's face, so bright and happy, clouded over, and she seemed on the point of bursting into tears.

”I weren't disobedient,” she began. ”Miss Earnshaw said, 'Very well, dear,' and so I thought----”

[Ill.u.s.tration: ”They were soon all four very happy at the pretty play.

The prettiness of it was what Peggy most enjoyed the most; the boys, boy-like, thought little but of who could blow the biggest bubbles, which, as everybody knows, are seldom as rich in colour as smaller ones.”

P. 149]

”Of course,” interrupted Terry; ”Peggy's never disobedient, Thor. We'll ask mamma when she comes home; but she won't be vexed with you, darling. You won't need to go again before then.”

”No,” said Peggy, comforted, ”I don't want to go again, Terry dear. It doesn't smell very nice in the shop. But the _children's_ house is very clean, Terry. I'm sure mamma would let us go _there_.”

”Those Simpkinses over old Whelan's,” said Terry. ”Oh yes, I know mother goes there herself sometimes, though as for that she goes to old Whelan's too. But we're wasting time; let's ask f.a.n.n.y for a tin basin and lots of soap.”

They were soon all four very happy at the pretty play. The prettiness of it was what Peggy enjoyed the most; the boys, boy-like, thought little but of who could blow the biggest bubbles, which, as everybody knows, are seldom as rich in colour as smaller ones.

”I like the rainbowiest ones best,” said Peggy. ”I don't care for those 'normous ones Thor makes. Do you, Baldwin?”

Baldwin stopped to consider.

”I suppose very big things aren't never so pretty as littler things,” he said at last, when a sort of grunt from Terry interrupted him. Terry could not speak, his cheeks were all puffed out round the pipe, and he dared not stop blowing. He could only grunt and nod his head sharply to catch their attention to the wonderful triumph in soap-bubbles floating before his nose. There was a big one, as big as any of Thorold's, and up on the top of it a lovely every-coloured wee one, the most brilliant the children had ever seen--a real rainbow ball.

They all clapped their hands, at least Peggy and Baldwin did so. Thorold shouted, ”Hurrah for Terry's new invention. It's like a monkey riding on an elephant.” But Peggy did not think that was a pretty idea.