Part 15 (1/2)
Perrote bought an ivory comb of Ivo, which cost her three s.h.i.+llings, for old acquaintance sake; Marabel purchased six silver b.u.t.tons in the form of a lamb, for which she paid 8 s.h.i.+llings 9 pence; Agatha invested four s.h.i.+llings in a chaplet of pearls; while Amphillis, whose purse was very low, and had never been otherwise, contented herself with a sixpenny casket. Ivo, however, was well satisfied, and packed up his goods with a radiant face.
When the two itinerant tradesmen had shouldered their packs, and had gone forth, Lady Foljambe hastily summoned her husband's squire. She was not sufficiently high in dignity to have a squire of her own.
”Prithee, keep watch of yon little jeweller packman,” said she, uneasily. ”Mark whither he goeth, and see that he hold no discourse with any of the household, without it be to trade withal. I desire to know him clear of the vicinage ere the dark falleth.”
Norman Hylton bowed in answer, and went out.
He found the two packmen in the courtyard, the centre of an admiring throng of servants and retainers, all of whom were anxious to inspect their goods, some from a desire to make such purchases as they could afford, and all from that longing to relieve the monotony of life which besets man in general, and must have been especially tempting in the Middle Ages. A travelling pedlar was the subst.i.tute for an ill.u.s.trated newspaper, his pack supplying the engravings, and his tongue the text.
These men and pilgrims were the chief newsmongers of the day.
Ivo dangled a pair of blue gla.s.s ear-rings before the enchanted eyes of Kate the chambermaid.
”You shall have dem dirt sheap! Treepence de pair--dat is all. Vat lack you, my young maids? Here is mirrors and combs, scissors and knives, necklaces, beads and girdles, purses of Rouen, forcers and gipsers--all manner you can wish. Relics I have, if you desire dem--a little finger-bone of Saint George, and a tooth of de dragon dat he slew; a t'read of de veil of Saint Agat'a, and de paring of Saint Matthew's nails. Here is brooches, crespines, charms, spectacles, alners, b.a.l.l.s, puppets, coffers, bells, baskets for de maids'
needlework, pins, needles, ear-rings, shoe-buckles, b.u.t.tons--everyting!
And here--here is my beautifullest ting--my chiefest relic, in de leetle silver box--see!”
”Nay, what is it, trow?” inquired Kate, who looked with deep interest through the interstices of the filagree, and saw nothing but a few inches of coa.r.s.e linen thread.
”Oh, it is de blessed relic! Look you, our Lady made s.h.i.+rt for Saint Joseph, and she cut off de t'read, and it fall on de floor, and dere it lie till Saint Petronilla come by, and she pick it up and put it in her bosom. It is all writ down inside. De holy Fader give it my moder's grandmoder's aunt, when she go to Rome. It is wort' tousands of pounds--de t'read dat our blessed Lady draw t'rough her fingers. You should have no maladies never, if you wear dat.”
”Ay, but such things as that be alonely for folk as can pay for 'em, I reckon,” said Kate, looking wistfully, first at the blue ear-rings, and then at the blessed relic.
Ivo made a screen of his hand, and spoke into Kate's ear.
”See you, now! You buy dem, and I trow him you into de bargain! Said I well, fair maid?”
”What, all for threepence?” gasped the bewitched Kate.
”All for t'ree-pence. De blessed relic and de beautiful ear-rings! It is dirt sheap. I would not say it to n.o.body else, only my friends. See you?”
Kate looked in his face to see if he meant it, and then slowly drew out her purse. The warmth of Ivo's friends.h.i.+p, ten minutes old at the most, rather staggered her. But the ear-rings had taken her fancy, and she was also, though less, desirous to possess the holy relic. She poured out into the palm of her hand various pence, halfpence, and farthings, and began endeavouring to reckon up the threepence; a difficult task for a girl utterly ignorant of figures.
”You leave me count it,” suggested the little packman. ”I will not cheat you--no, no! How could I, wid de blessed relic in mine hand?
One, two, free. Dere! I put in de rings in your ears? ah, dey make you look beautiful, beautiful! De widow lady, I see her not when I have my pack in hall. She is well?”
”What widow lady, trow?” said Kate, feeling the first ear-ring glide softly into her ear.
”Ah, I have afore been here. I see a widow lady at de window. Why come she not to hall?--Oh, how fair you shall be! you shall every eye charm!--She is here no more--yes?”
”Well, ay--there is a widow lady dwelleth here,” said Kate, offering the other ear to her beguiler, just as Norman Hylton came up to them; ”but she is a prisoner, and--hus.h.!.+ haste you, now, or I must run without them.”
”Dat shall you not,” said Ivo, quickly slipping the second ear-ring into its place. ”Ah, how lovesome should you be, under dat bush by the gate, that hath de yellow flowers, when de sun was setting, and all golden behind you! Keep well de holy relic; it shall bring you good.”
And with a significant look, and a glance upwards at the house, Ivo shouldered his pack, and turned away.
The mercer had not seemed anxious to do business with the household.