Part 37 (1/2)

After this our progress is more rapid. As we near the front line, the enemy's shrapnel reaps its harvest even in our deep trench. More than once we pa.s.s a wounded man, hoisted on to the parapet to wait for first-aid. More than once we step over some poor fellow for whom no first-aid will avail.

Five minutes later we reach the parapet--that immovable rampart over which we have peeped so often and so cautiously with our periscopes--and clamber up a sandbag staircase on to the summit. We note that our barbed wire has all been cut away, and that another battalion, already extended into line, is advancing fifty yards ahead of us. Bullets are pinging through the air, but the guns are once more silent. Possibly they are altering their position. Dotted about upon the flat ground before us lie many kilted figures, strangely still, in uncomfortable att.i.tudes.

A mile or so upon our right we can see two towers--pit-head towers--standing side by side. They mark the village of Loos, where another Scottish Division is leading the attack. To the right of Loos again, for miles and miles and miles, we know that wave upon wave of impetuous French soldiers is breaking in a tempest over the shattered German trenches. Indeed, we conjecture that down there, upon our right, is where the Biggest Push of all is taking place. Our duty is to get forward if we can, but before everything to engage as many German troops and guns as possible. Even if we fight for a week or more, and only hold our own, we shall have done the greater part of what was required of us. But we hope to do more than that.

Upon our left lies the Hohenzollern. It is silent; so we know that it has been captured. Beyond that, upon our left front, looms Fosse Eight, still surmounted by its battered shaft-tower. Right ahead, peeping over a low ridge, is a church steeple, with a clock-face in it. That is our objective.

Next moment we have deployed into extended order, and step out, to play our little part in the great Battle of the Slag-Heaps.


Twenty-four hours later, a little group of officers sat in a roomy dug-out. Major Kemp was there, with his head upon the plank table, fast asleep. Bobby Little, who had neither eaten nor slept since the previous dawn, was nibbling chocolate, and shaking as if with ague. He had gone through a good deal. Waddell sat opposite to him, stolidly devouring bully-beef out of a tin with his fingers. Ayling reclined upon the floor, mechanically adjusting a machine-gun lock, which he had taken from his haversack. Captain Wagstaffe was making cocoa over a Tommy's Cooker. He looked less the worse for wear than the others, but could hardly have been described as spruce in appearance. The whole party were splashed with mud and soaked to the skin, for it had rained hard during the greater part of the night. They were all sick for want of food and sleep. Moreover, all had seen unusual sights. It was Sunday morning.

Presently Wagstaffe completed his culinary arrangements, and poured out the cocoa into some aluminium cups. He touched Major Kemp on the shoulder.

”Have some of this, Major,” he said.

The burly Kemp roused himself and took the proffered cup gratefully.

Then, looking round, he said--

”Hallo, Ayling! You arrived? Whereabouts in the line were you?”

”I got cut off from the Battalion in the advance up Central Boyau, sir,” said Ayling. ”Everybody had disappeared by the time I got the machine-guns over the parapet. However, knowing the objective, I pushed on towards the Church Tower.”

”How did you enjoy yourself pa.s.sing Fosse Eight?” inquired Captain Wagstaffe.

”Thank you, we got a dose of our own medicine--machine-gun fire, in enfilade. It was beastly.”

”We also noticed it,” Wagstaffe intimated. ”That was where poor Sinclair got knocked out. What did you do?”

”I signalled to the men to lie flat for a bit, and I did the same. I did not know that it was possible for a human being to lie as flat as I lay during that quarter of an hour. But it was no good. The guns must have been high up on the Fosse: they had excellent command. The bullets simply greased all round us. I could feel them combing out my hair, and digging into the ground underneath me.”

”What were your sensations, _exactly_?” asked Kemp.

”I felt just as if an invisible person were tickling me,” replied Ayling, with feeling.

”So did I,” said Kemp. ”Go on.”

”I heard one of my men cry out that he was. .h.i.t,” continued Ayling, ”and I came to the conclusion that we would have a better chance as moving targets than as fixed; so I pa.s.sed the word to get up and move forward steadily, in single file. Ultimately we struck a stray communication-trench, into which we descended with as much dignity as possible. It led us into some quarries.”

”Off our line altogether.”

”So I learned from two Companies of an English regiment which were there, acting as reserve to a Brigade which was sc.r.a.pping somewhere in the direction of Hulluch; so I realised that we had worked too far to the right. We moved out of the quarries and struck over half-left, and ultimately found the Battalion, a very long way ahead, in what I took to be a Bosche third-line trench, facing east.”

”Right! Fosse Alley,” said Kemp. ”You remember it on the map?”

”Yes, I do now,” said Ayling. ”Well, I planted myself on the right flank of the Battalion with-two guns, and sent Sergeant Killick along with the other two to the left. You know the rest.”

”I'm not sure that I do,” said the Major. ”We were packed so tight in that blooming trench that it was quite impossible to move about, and I only saw what was going on close around me. Did you get much machine-gun practice?”

”A fair amount, sir,” replied Ayling, with professional satisfaction.