Part 25 (1/2)
About a dozen first-aid outfits.
A case of pipes, and cigarettes innumerable.
[Bobby's aunts regarded cigars as not quite ascetic enough for active service. Besides, they might make him sick.]
About a cubic foot of chocolate (various).
Numerous compressed foods and concentrated drinks.
An ”active service” cooking outfit.
An electric lamp, with several refills.
A pair of binoculars.
A telescope.
A prismatic compa.s.s.
A sparklet siphon.
A luminous watch.
A pair of insulated wire-cutters.
”There's only one thing you've forgotten,” remarked Captain Wagstaffe, when introduced to this unique collection of curios.
”What is that?” inquired Bobby, always eager to learn.
”A pantechnicon! Do you known how much personal baggage an officer is allowed, in addition to what he carries himself?”
”Thirty-five pounds.”
”It sounds a lot,” said Bobby.
”It looks precious little!” was Wagstaffe's reply.
”I suppose they won't be particular to a pound or so,” said Bobby optimistically.
”Listen,” commanded Wagstaffe. ”When we go abroad, your Wolseley valise, containing this”--he swept his hand round the crowded hut--”this military museum, will be handed to the Quartermaster. He is a man of singularly rigid mind, with an exasperating habit of interpreting rules and regulations quite literally. If you persist in this scheme of asking him to pa.s.s half a ton of a.s.sorted lumber as a package weighing thirty-five pounds, he will cast you forth and remain your enemy for life. And personally,” concluded Wagstaffe, ”I would rather keep on the right side of my Regimental Quartermaster than of the Commander-in-Chief himself. Now, send all this stuff home--you can use it on manoeuvres in peace-time--and I will give you a little list which will not break the baggage-waggon's back.”
The methodical Bobby produced a notebook.
”You will require to wash occasionally. Take a canvas bucket, some carbolic soap, and a good big towel. Also your toothbrush, and--excuse the question, but do you shave?”
”Twice a week,” admitted the blus.h.i.+ng Bobby.
”Happy man! Well, take a safety-razor. That will do for cleanliness.