Part 5 (1/2)

(Jeppe comes in from the garden with his suite and a little table is spread before him.)

=Jeppe=--Ha! Ha! I see the table is already set.

=Valet=--Yes, everything is ready whenever it shall please your lords.h.i.+p to be seated.

(Jeppe seats himself. The others stand back of the chair and laugh at his awkwardness when he reaches his hand into the dish, hiccoughs over the table, and behaves very boorishly.)

=Valet=--Will my lord let us know what wine he wishes?

=Jeppe=--You know very well yourselves what wine I am used to drinking in the morning.

=Valet=--It is Rhenish wine which his lords.h.i.+p is accustomed to drink. If it is not to his lords.h.i.+p's taste he can have another kind.

=Jeppe=--It is pretty sour. You must put some mead in it to make it good, for I like sweet things.

=Valet=--Here is some Canary sack, if my lord wishes to taste it.

=Jeppe=--That is good wine. Let's all drink together! (Every time he drinks the trumpets blow.) Hey! Watch out, fellows! One more gla.s.s of sack! Do you understand? Where did you get that ring that you have on your finger?

=Secretary=--Your lords.h.i.+p gave it to me yourself.

=Jeppe=--I don't remember that. Give it back to me, I must have done that while drunk. One doesn't give such rings away. I'll have to look into this and see what other things you have received. Servants shall not have more than board and wages! I swear that I do not remember of having given you anything in particular; for why should I do it? That ring is worth over a guinea. No, no, good fellows! Not so! You must not take advantage of your master's weakness and drunkenness. When I am drunk I am as likely as not to give my very trousers away; but when I have become sober I take back my gifts again. Otherwise I should catch the mischief from my wife, Nille. Hold, what am I saying? Now I am getting into those foolish ideas again and don't remember who I am. Another gla.s.s of sack. The same toast. (Trumpets blow again.) Listen to what I say, fellows! After this, remember that when I give anything away in the evening while drunk, you must give it back to me in the morning. When servants get more money than they can spend they become proud and turn up their noses at their masters. What are your wages?

=Secretary=--My lord has always given me two hundred a year.

=Jeppe=--You shall have the devil, not two hundred after this! What do you do to earn two hundred? I myself must work like a beast and stand in the granary from morning till evening and can hardly--See, now those peasant notions are coming into my mind again! Give me another gla.s.s of wine.

(He drinks and the trumpets blow.) Two Rixdollars! Why that's simply to skin your masters. Listen! Do you know what, you fellows! When I have eaten I have a good mind to hang every other one on the estate. You must know that I am not to be trifled with in money matters.

=Valet=--We will return everything that we have received from your lords.h.i.+p.

=Jeppe=--Yes, yes! Your lords.h.i.+p! Your lords.h.i.+p! Compliments and words are cheap in these times. You will flatter me with ”your lords.h.i.+p” until you get all my money and become ”my lords.h.i.+p” in turn. The lips may say, ”Your lords.h.i.+p,” but the heart says, ”You fool.” You're not saying what you think, fellows! You servants are just like Abner who came and greeted Roland with, ”Hail to thee, my brother!” and at the same time struck the dagger in his heart. Believe me, Jeppe is no fool.

(They all fall on their knees and sue for pardon.)

=Jeppe=--Just rise again, my lads, until I have done eating; after that I will see how matters stand, and who deserves to be hanged. Now, I will be merry.

Scene 2.

Jeppe. Valet. Overseer. Secretary.

=Jeppe=--Where is my overseer?

=Valet=--He is just outside.

=Jeppe=--Let him come in at once.

=Overseer= (enters dressed in a coat with silver b.u.t.tons and a sash about the waist)--Has my lord any commands?