Part 24 (1/2)
[356] On this subject see ”Astoria,” and ”Adventures of Captain Bonneville,” also ”Ross cox's Adventures on the Coluents of the Company is made of cloth, like our own; but the hunters often wear a leather dress, ornamented, for the es_ hite blanket coats, such as I have described when speaking of the inhabitants of Indiana, on the Wabash They are mostly shod in Indian mocassins, a dozen pair of which may be purchased from the Indian women for one dollar, when they are not ornamented The hunters, here, maintain that these Indian shoes are better adapted to the prairies than our European ones, as they do not become so slippery They are frequently soled with elk hide, or parchment The worst is, that they are easily penetrated by the prickles of the cactus, and on this account we greatly preferred our European shoes
At Fort Union, artisans of almost every description are to be met with, such as smiths, masons, carpenters, joiners, coopers, tailors, shoemakers, hatters, &c--MAXIMILIAN
[357] Some idea may be formed of the enormous quantity of beavers killed every year, from the circumstance that the Hudson's Bay Co found as far as the coasts of the Frozen Ocean--MAXIMILIAN
[358] At Rock River, which falls into the Mississippi, the Indians caught, in 1825, about 130,000year, about half the number; and, in about two years after, these animals were scarcely to be ht, in thirty days, as many as 1,600 of them In South America, there is only one species of wild anie quantities According to D'Orbigny, in the first six months of 1828, above 150,000 dozen Quiyaa were sold, in Corrientes, at frohteen francs the dozen The Indians hunt this anis, and shoot it with arrows--MAXIMILIAN
[359] See Plate 62, in the acco atlas, our volu atlas, our volu specimens were destroyed in the fire on board the steam-boat--MAXIMILIAN
_Co of the ”assiniboine” See note 179, _ante_, p 240
[362] Willia, _Narrative of an Expedition to the source of St Peter's River, perfor_ (Philadelphia, 1824)--ED
[363] Sir John Franklin, _Narrative of a Journey to the shores of the Polar Sea in the years 1819, 1820, 1821, and 1822_ (London, 1823), p
[364] Fort des Prairies was at different periods applied to various Hudson's Bay Company posts Apparently this was the fort on the site of Edmonton, for which see Franchere's _Narrative_, in our volume vi, p 364, note 177--ED
[365] The word _osayes_ is one of the many Canadian terms which are mixed with the French of that country, and means bones--MAXIMILIAN
[366] Consult on the bands or gentes of the assiniboin, J O Dorsey, ”Siouan Sociology,” in Bureau of Ethnology _Report_, 1893-94, pp 222, 223--ED
[367] The coland at the rate of eight dollars a-piece, and which are sold to the Indians for the value of thirty dollars--MAXIMILIAN
[368] _Op cit_ in note 361, [_ante_] p 112--MAXIMILIAN
[369] The reference is to Edwin Ja thirty years' residence a the Indians in the interior of North America by John Tanner_ (New York, 1830) John Tanner, a boy of nine years, was captured in Kentucky about 1790 He passed the larger part of his life in the northern woods In 1818 he sought his relatives in Kentucky while his brother Edas searching for him near Mackinac For some years he was e become an Indian in habit he shot (1836) and killed James L Schoolcraft and fled to the wilderness where he died about 1847 (but see _Minnesota Historical Collections_, vi, p 114) His _Narrative_ was much quoted by contemporary writers--ED
[370] See p 361, for illustration of assiniboin pipes--ED
[371] The Indians on the Upper Missouri have another kind of tobacco pipe, the bowl of which is in the same line as the tube, and which they use only on their warlike expeditions As the aperture of the pipe is more inclined doards than usual, the fire can never be seen, so as to betray the sround, and holds the pipe on one side--MAXIMILIAN
_Comment by Ed_ See p 361, for illustration of pipe for warlike expeditions
[372] See Plate 81, figure 11, in the acco atlas, our volume xxv--ED
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