Part 21 (1/2)

[305] These are now called Cheyenne Hills Lewis and Clark speak of one with a top rese roof of a house--ED

[306] Lewis and Clark give this as Warraconne (Elk shed their horns) Creek; now Beaver (or Sand) Creek, in Emmons County, North Dakota--ED

[307] On a careful investigation, I have not been able to discover froular denouages of the neighbouring Indian nations, they have entirely different names--MAXIMILIAN

[308] The French form for this river was Le Boulet It rises somewhat north of the Black Hills, flows east in two branches across North Dakota, and empties into the Missouri in Morton County--ED

[309] For a brief sketch of the Mandan, see our volume v, pp 113, 114, note 76 Maximilian is a chief authority for the custo tribe See our volume xxiii--ED

[310] Alexander Harvey was a clerk of the American Fur Company Born and reared in St Louis, he quarrelled with his first employers while still a minor, and ran away to join the fur company He was for several years at Fort McKenzie, and one of the participants in the Blackfoot massacre of 1843-44 Harvey was a bold and desperate character, and tales of his atrocities are narrated by Larpenteur, a fellow eanized a rival concern, of which he was head He was living at Fort Yates as late as 1896--ED

[311] The black-tailed or mule deer of the Americans (_Cervus ists, froive an iinian deer, not so light, has a larger hoof, er ears, and does not run so swiftly--not quicker than a buffalo cow It casts its horns in March, and throws off the rough skin of the one--sometimes two; they are round One of these animals, of three or four years old, in shape nearly reseinian deer; the hair of the body was hard and scanty; the whole of a pale yellowish-red; the breast greyish-brown, and, on the belly, yellohite In winter, the colour nearly resembles that of our deer in the same season Each of the horns of this deer had four antlers, nearly as in _Cervus elaphus_ Woodcut B represents the horns of a large deer of this species--MAXIMILIAN

_Comment by Ed_ See p 347, for illustration of antlers of deer

[312] Marked on Lewis and Clark'sfrom the east in Bismarck County, North Dakota--ED

[313] For Heart River, see our volume v, p 148, note 91--ED

[314] On the west bank; Square butte Creek takes its name therefrom--ED

[315] Lewis and Clark hereexcursion This creek has not been certainly identified, the river's bed having changed in the vicinity It is probably Deer Creek, in Oliver County--ED

[316] Old Mandan villages had been scattered all along this reach of the river, Lewis and Clark noting the first remains below Heart River--ED

[317] The Cheyenne River of North Dakota--not to be confused with the Missour affluent in South Dakota--is the largest western tributary of Red River of the North Devil's Lake, a large body of fresh water in Halsey County, was a favorite habitat of the Sioux South of it is now an Indian reservation, chiefly for Sisseton and Wahpeton Sioux St

Peter's River is the present Minnesota; its source is in Big Stone Lake, on the boundary of Minnesota and South Dakota--ED

[318] Lewis and Clark called the first Mandan village Ma-too-ton-ka

This was in a wooded bend, three miles below the site of Fort Clark--ED

[319] Fort Clark, named in honor of General William Clark, was built in 1831 as the A the Mandan An earlier post near by, had been the company's home since 1822 Fort Clark was second in importance only to Forts Union and Pierre A trusted employe was kept as chief factor, and the post wasera Its site was eightKnife River, on the west bank, sohty or ninety paces back from the river, and about three-quarters of a mile lower down and on the opposite side of the river fro place (1804-05)--ED

[320] The Wolf chief, called by the French traders Chef de Loup, and by Catlin Ha-na-ta-nu-hty nature, he was feared rather than beloved by the tribe, whose idol was Four Bears, the second chief Bodmer painted this chief in tays (see Plates 46 and 47, in the acco atlas, our volume xxv) Catlin also secured his likeness both in full dress and inCatlin describes in detail a buffalo robe covered with paintings representing his exploits; see Catlin, _North American Indians_, i, pp 145-154--ED

[321] James Kipp was born in Canada in 1788 When about twenty years of age he entered the fur-trade, as hunter and trapper in the Red River region By 1818 he was on the upper Missouri, and becaent of the Columbia Fur Company at its Mandan post Later, he beca Fort Piegan a the Blackfeet (1831) For(1835) to Fort McKenzie Audubon found hie of Fort Alexander, on the Yellowstone, in 1843, and two years later he was entrusted with the important post at Fort Union He retired from the fur-trade in 1865, and settled upon his Missouri farm, which he had acquired many years before As late as 1876 he once e he was said to have been the first white man to master--ED

[322] For Toussaint Charbonneau, see Brackenridge's _Journal_, in our volume vi, p 32, note 3--ED

[323] For the Crow Indians, see our volume v, p 226, note 121--ED

[324] See Plate 13, in the acco atlas, our volu atlas, our volume xxv--ED