Part 17 (1/2)
[222] In the Appendix there is an account of this purchase--MAXIMILIAN _Comment by Ed_ See our volu post in this locality (with possible exceptions for the Spanish regime) was that of Crooks and McClellan, who in 1810 built a ”wintering establish--see Bradbury and Brackenridge (1811)
Shortly after, Manuel Lisa built his well-known Fort Lisa, some sixteen miles above Bellevue, which continued to be the pro's Expedition_, our volume xiv, p
221), near which the Yellowstone Expedition built Engineer Cantonment for the winter of 1819-20 The Missouri Fur Company, under Joshua Pilcher, who succeeded Lisa as president, removed from Fort Lisa to the site of Bellevue about 1823 It was this post that Fontenelle bought out, and turned over to the Aent The post was for ency was officially entitled ”Council Bluffs at Bellevue” In 1849 a postoffice was established here, and the village incorporated in 1854; sos ree in Sarpy County, of which it was the capital until 1875--ED
[224] Mackinaw boats are strong, open vessels, oods are conveyed on the rivers of the Northern and Western States--MAXIMILIAN
[225] See opposite page for illustration of Omaha Indians--ED
[226] See our volume xv, pp 27-33 This woman was the Indian wife of Manuel Lisa See Chittenden, _Fur-Trade_, i, pp 133-135 Judge Walter B Douglas, of St Louis, furnishes the following facts concerning Lisa's daughter, as educated a the whites She married a Baptistrecently at Trenton, Illinois, a small town not far from St
[227] For the Omaha Indians see our volume v, p 86, note 49--ED
[228] Jean Pierre Cabanne was born in Pau, France, in 1773 After receiving good education he came to America--first to New Orleans, later to St Louis, where he married (1797) Julie Gratiot, whose sister was the wife of Pierre Chouteau For many years he wasan interest in the American Fur Company The family home at St Louis was the seat of a pleasant hospitality; but like many of the chief fur-traders, Cabanne spent part of each year in the Indian country, where he was head of the depart near Council Bluffs He left this post about the ti to difficulty with a rival trader, Le Clerc, who had appealed to the courts Cabanne died in St
Louis in 1841 His post was nine or ten miles by land above the present site of Omaha--ED
[229] See p 269, for illustration of an Omaha boy--ED
[230] Not only these feather caps are pretty similar to those in Brazil, but also the chief instrument of the conjurors, or physicians (medicine men)--schischikue, as it is called--a calabash with a handle, in which there are small stones to rattle The Omahas, and all the other North American tribes, use it exactly in the same manner as the Brazilians--MAXIMILIAN
[231] See p 269, for illustration of an Omaha war-club--ED
[232] See our volume xiv, pp 288-321; and xv, pp 11-136--ED
[233] For Boyer River, see our volume xiv, p 221, note 174
This fort at Council Bluffs was not on the site of the Ion of that naher up the river, on the Nebraska bank, near the village non as Fort Calhoun, in Washi+ngton County The name was first applied to the bluffs by Lewis and Clark, who held here (1804) an i tribes The United States post was built by a detachment under Colonel Henry Atkinson, when embarked on the famous Yellowstone expedition of 1819
Theinadequate, the troops never reached the Yellowstone, but for the winter of 1819-20 much sickness prevailed The fort was finally christened Atkinson, for its founder, and was so known to the government The local name was Fort Calhoun--whether in honor of the then secretary of war, or for a soldier as the first to be here buried, is disputed On the building of Fort Leavenworth, the troops were removed thither See note 204, _ante_, p 253--ED
[234] For Blackbird, see Bradbury's _Travels_, in our volue's _Journal_, in our volu's Expedition_, in our volu Elk, see our volume v, p 90, note 52; also xv, p 320
Dr John D Godman (1794-1830) was a Marylander who in 1814 participated in the defense of Fort McHenry Later studying es, retiring finally to Germantown, Pennsylvania, where he devoted himself to scientific pursuits His best knoas _American Natural History_ (Philadelphia, 1828)
By Horn River our author intends Elkhorn, for which see our volume xiv, p 240, note 182--ED
[236] For Floyd, see our voluinal Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition_, i, p 114--ED
[237] For the Big Sioux River, see our volume vi, p 85, note 30 This branch of the Dakota (or Sioux), mentioned by Maximilian, is known as the Wahpekute, one of the two coether with the Mdewakantonwan or Spirit Lake band, they were the Sioux first known to Europeans, being designated by Hennepin as Issati Their habitat was the upper waters of the Mississippi, and the St Peter's (Minnesota) River They wandered toward the Big Sioux River, which was made the boundary by the treaty of 1825 at Prairie du Chien--William Clark and Lewis Cass, conated as the Calumet, probably because of the proximity of its source to the red pipestone quarries of southwestern Minnesota--ED
[238] Iowa Creek, a s nearly parallel to the Missouri in Dixon County, Nebraska Lewis and Clark speak of the peculiar appearance of the bluff at this place, calling the creek ”Rologe”--ED
[239] Wigwaiven to the Indian huts The word conifies hut This word has been corrupted, and applied by the whites to the habitations of all the Indian tribes--MAXIMILIAN
[240] The James (or Dakota) River rises just south of Devil's Lake in Wells and Fargo counties, North Dakota, and flows nearly south into the Missouri Its French name was Riviere a Jacques Calumet Bluff is just above its o Island” does not occur in the Lewis and Clark text, nor has the name been preserved to the present day They named White Bear Cliff for an animal of that kind killed in one of its holes It was on the north bank, three or four miles above Yankton--ED