Part 15 (1/2)

[191] Wakenda Creek, the largest strea ”divinity” or ”worshi+pped”--ED

[192] Soes were the assailants, but I believe the above stateherty--MAXIMILIAN

[193] This defeat of the Missouri, once the most powerful tribe on the lower reaches of the river, occurred toward the close of the eighteenth century Small-pox completed the destruction of the tribe

See Bradbury's _Travels_, in our volume v, p 56, note 26--ED

[194] Fire Prairie is on the south bank of the Missouri, in the present Lafayette County, a creek of the sa the river at this point It is said to take its name from the death there of several Indians in a prairie fire--ED

[195] See Plate 37, in the acco Creek (or River) rises in Clinton County and flows south and southeast into the Missouri through Clay and Ray counties--ED

[197] An historical notice of old Fort Osage is given in Bradbury's _Travels_, our volue Indians, _ibid_, p

50, note 22 The cession by which the Osage were forced back was made at St Louis in June, 1825, under General William Clark's superintendency--ED

[198] Non as Little Blue Creek, rising on the southern borders of Jackson County and flowing nearly north into the Missouri--_Ed_

[199] Liberty, the county seat of Clay, was settled in 1822, but up to 1826 had only about a dozen houses; it was incorporated in 1829

During the Mormon troubles of the fourth decade of the nineteenth century, Liberty rose into prominence The town is set back about six h, salubrious uplands Liberty Landing, on the river, was in the days of the Santa Fe trade of some commercial importance--ED

[200] Maxiard to the operations of these traders Ashley began his fur-trading ventures in 1822; four years later he sold out to Smith, Jackson, and Sublette; they in turn relinquished their business to younger traders in 1830 So the Rocky Mountain Fur Company had for about eleven years been an efficient rival to the American

For a brief sketch of Sublette see our volu)

General Williainia in 1778 Soon after the beginning of the nineteenth century he went to Missouri, settling first at Ste Genevieve, later in St Louis, and e in various mercantile enterprises In 1816-17 he surveyed in the state, and the knowledge thus obtained perlish capitalists, which laid the foundation of his fortune In 1820 he was elected lieutenant-governor, and during his ter exploits, from which he derived profit and fame

His title came as leader of the state militia, in whose development he was much interested In 1831 he was appointed to a vacant seat in Congress, being re-elected thereto two successive ter Blue rises in Johnson County, Kansas, and flows northeast and north through Jackson County, Missouri, until it joins the Missouri sixpost was on the south side of the Kansas, opposite Muncie, in what is now Wyandotte County, built about 1828 It was for e of Cyprian Chouteau (1802-79), half brother of Pierre, jr Fremont set out thence on his journey (1842)--ED

[203] See our volues of the Iowa, on the Little Platte, appear to have been temporary Probably the tribe had fled in this direction after the troubles of the Black Hawk War (1832) In 1836 they ceded this strip--which was added to Missouri as the ”Platte Purchase”--and ree of the Iowa resembled that of the Ottawa; the foronquian The Sauk and Foxes, at this tionquian--ED

[205] For these islands, see our volume xiv, p 174, note 141--ED

[206] Fort Leavenworth was founded to supersede two se and Atkinson--the latter near Council Bluffs The site was chosen because of the increasing interest in the Santa Fe trade, and because of the ree tribes of Indians west of the Missouri border On March 7, 1827, Colonel Henry Leavenworth was ordered to proceed from Jefferson Barracks and choose the site for an establishment on the left bank of the Missouri, within twenty miles of the mouth of Little Platte He selected instead Rattlesnake Hills on the right bank, a site later approved by the government Fort Leavenworth has been an ihout the history of the West It was called Leavenworth Cantoned to ”Fort,” about 1832

For Major Bennett Riley see our volu)--ED

[207] This laas passed in the first session of the twenty-second congress, and was merely a portion of an act to create an Indian commissioner It caused but little debate, and apparently was fathered by General Ashley and others cognizant of conditions in the fur-trade

For the consternation it created a the traders consult Chittenden, _Fur-Trade_, index--ED

[208] According to the treaty held at St Louis in 1832, with the Kickapoo chiefs, a deputation was to visit the new territory in Kansas and agree to the lands chosen This was accordingly done in Nove the arrivals early in the spring of 1833 to take possession of the new reservation--ED



Dangerous place, Wassoba-Wakandaga--Independence River--Blacksnake Hills, with Roubedoux Trading House--The Joways and Saukies--Nadaway River--Wolf River--Grand Nemahaw River--Country of the Half-breeds--Nishnebottoneh River--Little Ne-water Creek--La Platte River--Belle Vue, Dougherty's Agency--The Omaha Indians--Their Dance--Council Bluffs--Boyer's Creek--Little Sioux River--Blackbird Hills--Floyd's Grave--Big Sioux River--Joway River--Ver with the assiniboin Steamer