Part 12 (1/2)
The reference is to Dr Jedidiah Morse (1761-1826), _Report to Secretary of War on Indian Affairs_ (New Haven, 1822), the result of a tour a the Western tribes in 1820--ED
[107] Saline Creek (or River), formed by the union of the North and South Forks in Gallatin County, Illinois, flows southeast and enters the Ohio River about ten miles beloneetown For a short state's Expedition_, in our voluon” (90 tons) was constructed at Cincinnati in 1829--ED
[109] Battery Rock is twelve miles beloneetown--ED
[110] See Plate 7, in the acco's _Tour_, in our volume iv, p 273, note 180--ED
[111] For Golconda consult Woods's _English Prairie_, in our volume x, p 327, note 77 Sister's Island, a narrow strip a th, lies twenty miles below Elizabethtown, Illinois Sston County, Kentucky, immediately below the mouth of the cumberland--ED
[112] Paducah, the seat of McCracken County, Kentucky, and forty-eight miles above Cairo, was laid out in 1827 and na place and in 1900 had a population of 12,797 It is the seat of Paducah University
The book here referred to is Sa Charts of the Ohio River and of the Mississippi from the Mouth of the Missouri to the Gulf of Mexico, acco the same, and a Gazetteer or Description of Towns on their Banks, Tributary Strea to Travelers and all concerned in the Navigation of these Rivers_ (Cincinnati, 1828, 1829, 1834)
For a brief sketch of Fort Massac, see A Michaux's _Travels_, in our volume iii, p 73, note 139--ED
[113] Several fruitless attempts were made to establish a city at the confluence of the two rivers Trinity, long time a rival of Cairo, was first settled in 1817 at Cache River Shortly afterwards Shadrach Bond, John Cohteen hundred acres between the Ohio and Mississippi rivers and incorporated it as the City and Bank of Cairo At Coes's death, however, the claim was allowed to lapse In the same year William Bird occupied three hundred and sixty acres at the extreme point of the peninsula, and named his proposed city Bird's Point A few houses were built; but during the War of Secession were removed to the Missouri side In 1828 John and Thompson Bird built the first houses on the present site of Cairo Here boats were long accustomed to stop for supplies In 1835, Sidney Breeze, Baker Gilbert, and others re-entered the forfeited land of the City and Bank of Cairo, and two years later obtained its incorporation as Cairo City and Canal Coh price ten thousand acres, co all the territory between the Ohio, Mississippi, and Cache rivers, including Bird's Point Plans for extensive improve promoters, sold in Europe two million dollars in bonds Sharp reverses followed and Cairo was not incorporated as a city until 1858--ED
[114] The stea in 1833--ED
[115] Commerce, on the Missouri side thirtypost, as early as 1803 It was laid out in 1822, incorporated in 1857, and made the seat of Scott County in 1864 See Campbell, _Gazetteer of Missouri_ (St Louis, 1875)--ED
[116] For the early history of Cape Girardeau, see A Michaux's _Travels_, in our volume iii, p 80, note 154 Devil's Island, less than three th, is near the Illinois side four e, Missouri, twelve miles above the town of Cape Girardeau, was on the road from Kentucky and Illinois to the White River and Arkansas Ha), in Calhoun County, Illinois, is directly across the river froe, and at the ti The Devil's Tea Table is on the Missouri side eighteenthe places between St Louis and the 's _Far West_, in our voluination), and footnotes to the sa atlas, our volume xxv--ED
[118] It is well known that the whole tract contains shell limestone
Mr Lesueur has made important collections of this kind on the Tower Rock at Vicksburg, Natchez, and other places on the banks of the Mississippi, of part of which he has s
He has accurately stated the several strata, with the shells of ani in them The shells are very friable when taken out of the rock--afterwards, and especially if washed in water, they are firs to France--MAXIMILIAN
[119] St Mary's River rises in Perry County, Illinois, and enters the Mississippi six miles below the mouth of the Kaskaskia Chester is the seat of Randolph County, seventy-six e quantities of bitu stone are in the vicinity
For the early history of Kaskaskia, see A Michaux's _Travels_, in our volume iii, p 69, note 132--ED
[120] An account of the founding of Ste Genevieve is given in cu's _Tour_ in our volume iv, p 266, note 174--ED
[121] The mines here referred to are the _Mine La Mothe_ and the _Mine a Burton_; a 's _Far West_, in our volume xxvi--ED
[122] For the history of Fort Chartres, see A Michaux's _Travels_, in our volue for formations of lie in Jefferson County, Missouri, at the ht miles below St Louis, and a few miles above the hamlet of Selena Herculaneum was laid out in 1808 by Moses Austin and S Hammond, and subsequently was made the seat of Jefferson County--ED
[125] Platteen (co in the southern part of Jefferson County, flowing north, and e into the Mississippi at the northern extremity of the county, four and a half miles below Herculaneum
The Maramec (often pronounced and written Merrimac) River finds its source in Dent County, Missouri, and flowing northeast joins the Mississippi nineteen th is a hundred and fiftya territory rich in mines of copper, iron, and lead--ED
[126] For an account of Jefferson Barracks, see Townsend's _Narrative_, in our volume xxi, p 122, note 2
Carondelet, naovernor of Louisiana in 1791, was fore in St Louis County, Missouri; but in 1860 it was ed with the First Ward of St Louis, under the name of South St Louis
For Cahokia, see A Michaux's _Travels_, in our volume iii, p 70, note 135--ED