Part 48 (1/2)

”Just open it, half-pint.”

”Oh my G.o.d.” I lift the top off the Lucchese box. ”Holy c.r.a.p.”

I pull them out and just stare at them in my hands.

”They're not for your hands, half-pint. They're for your feet.”

My hands are shaking too much, so Ben takes them from me, takes off my sneakers, and slips on my present.

A pair of red Mad Dog goat-leather cowboy boots now adorn my two feet.

”I got an eight so they wouldn't be snug on your left foot.” Ben says, his smile reaching both ears.

”These are Lucchese boots, Ben. They're like mad expensive.”

”Yeah, but you're worth it. Besides, I can afford it now.”

”Still, I can't take these, Ben...they're...”

”Rose. Please. Since I've known you, what have I bought you? A six-pack of chocolate pudding, a trip to the movies, and a couple dinners? Between the two of us, this past year, we've spent more time in hospitals and rehabs than we did dating. Please let me give these to you.”

I look at Ben and then I look down at my feet. ”They are beautiful.”

”Just like you.” He takes my hand, and pulls me out of the living room. ”Now come on, your parents are outside waiting for us. I got a horse to ride.”

Outside, Daddy boosts me up onto a bareback Cloud and then helps Ben get up onto Sky, who's saddled. ”Okay, Ben, I'm gonna go slow with you, so you don't have to worry 'bout nothin'. You're feeling well today, right? Because though my horses are gentle, it's still a b.u.mpy ride.”

”I'm feeling great. No chemo this week, so I'm good.”

”Good. Now put that d.a.m.n fancy new foot o' yours in the stirrup here, and do the same on the other side.”

”I need a picture of them, Bruce,” my mom says, standing in front of Cloud and me.

”Dang-it, Sam, I'm teachin' the boy here to ride.”

”There's always time for a picture. Besides, I need a new one of Rosie.” Mom looks at me and winks. My first picture since before the accident. ”I want Ben in this picture too, so bring Sky to the right of Cloud. No to the left, my right. That's it,” she says when my father reluctantly leads Ben and Sky toward my mom.