Part 45 (1/2)
That's how long that New York team's scout has been in Ben's room.
I couldn't leave and go home; not before I knew whatever offer it was he was making Ben. So I've been sitting out here in the hall, waiting for him to walk out.
Another ten minutes later, the man walks out. Thank G.o.d.
I'm a little nervous going in, but I don't hesitate. ”What was that all about?”
”You didn't go home?”
”How could I? That Major League scout comes in, says he wants to make you an offer, how could I leave? So, what kind of offer?”
”Oh my G.o.d, Rose, I had to force stay awake...but...”
His eyes keep closing.
”He wants...”
His eyes close again.
I touch my fingers to Ben's face, ”Go to sleep, sweetheart.”
”But I have to ask you what you think abo...”
”Ben, stop forcing yourself to stay awake. I'll wait.”
”I'll wait. Sleep.” I lift his remote and lower his bed so it's more comfortable for him to sleep.
For the next two hours, I read If I Stay and try to concentrate on the story. But mostly, I'm wondering what the heck a Major League scout would offer an undergraduate with cancer and a missing leg.
Drawing me from my thoughts, I hear, ”You stayed.”
With no hesitation, I stand and toss my book onto the seat. ”Hey, sleepyhead. I told ya I'd stay.”
”Thanks,” he says smiling. ”Kiss?”
I bend down to kiss him. ”I love you.”
”Love you too, babe...let me just...” He presses the b.u.t.ton on his remote. ”Adjust...there. Better.”
”I lowered it before. Thought you'd be more comfortable.”
Ben takes my hand and squeezes it, but he doesn't let go. ”So,” he starts, ”what would you think if I quit college?”
”Quit? What? Why?”
”Well, the NCAA doesn't allow you to sign anything with a Major League team and play college ball. Plus, I'd be pretty busy playing for New York to attend cla.s.s.”
”What? I don't understand.”
”They want to sign me, Rose.”
”But...even though...your leg...and...the cancer?”
”If I sign with them, they give me enough money to pay for all my treatments. Rehabilitation too. I'd be ready for next season.”
”But...they don't care about your leg?”
”Yeah...they do. They want to hook me up with some company that makes bionic prostheses.”
”What? Like the six million dollar man?”
Ben laughs at me.
”You're cute. But no, not bionic like that. It's still a prosthetic that I'd take on and off. He showed me videos. It's got sensors or something. But it's a pretty good deal, Rose.”
”Wow. The major leagues. That' Oh my G.o.d.”
”I'd have to quit college.”
”Do you want to?”
”I think. I whole life, this was my goal. The psychologist thing was a back-up.”
”And you can always go back,” I add, ” when you're forty-six.”
Ben chuckles. ”Yup. If I'd want to play that long.”
He pauses. Looks at me.
”Whaddya think, half-pint? Should I do it?”
”Ben. This is your decision. I can't...”
”Rose. I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. Any decisions I make have to include you, so I'm not gonna make them without your input.”