Part 4 (1/2)

78. Q. _How is it called in the Pali language?_

A. _Ariyo atthangiko maggo_.

79.. Q. _Whither did the Buddha then go?_

A. To Uruvela.

80. Q. _What happened there?_

A. He converted a man named Kashyapa, renowned for his learning and teacher of the Jatilas, a great sect of fire-wors.h.i.+ppers, all of whom became also his followers.

81. Q. _Who was his next great convert?_

A. King Bimbisara, of Magadha.

82. Q. _Which two of the Buddha's most learned and beloved disciples were converted at about this time?_

A. Sariputra and Moggallana, formerly chief disciples of Sanjaya, the ascetic.

83. Q. _For what did they become renowned?_

A. Sariputra for his profound learning (_Prajna_), Moggallana for his exceptional spiritual powers (_Iddhi_).

84. Q. _Are these wonder-working powers miraculous?_

A. No, but natural to all men and capable of being developed by a certain course of training.

85. Q. _Did the Buddha hear again from his family after leaving them?_

A. Oh yes, seven years later, while he was living at Rajagrha, his father. King Suddhodana, sent a message to request him to come and let him see him again before he died.

86. Q. _Did he go?_

A. Yes. His father went with all his relatives and ministers to meet him and received him with great joy.

87. Q. _Did he consent to resume his old rank?_

A. No. In all sweetness he explained to his father that the Prince Siddhartha had pa.s.sed out of existence, as such, and was now changed into the condition of a Buddha, to whom all beings were equally akin and equally dear. Instead of ruling over one tribe or nation, like an earthly king, he, through his Dharma, would win the hearts of all men to be his followers.

88. Q. _Did he see Yasodhara and his son Rahula?_

A. Yes. His wife, who had mourned for him with deepest love, wept bitterly. She also sent Rahula to ask him to give him his inheritance, as the son of a prince.

89. Q. _What happened?_

A. To one and all he preached the Dharma as the cure for all sorrows.

His father, son, wife, Ananda (his half-brother), Devadatta (his cousin and brother-in-law), were all converted and became his disciples. Two other famous ones were Anuruddha, afterwards a great metaphysician, and Upali, a barber, afterwards the greatest authority on Vinaya. Both of these gained great renown.

90. Q. _Who was the first Bhikkuni?_