Chapter 26 (2/2)
Rei is surprised that Lelia accepted his request so quickly
However, there was not enough distance between them for Rei to escape, Rei didn't have a choice and went to the back yard
「Good job not escaping」
「Even if I try to escape you would catch up anyway」
Lelia is a ility, she would catch up in a blink of an eye
Looking at her speed, I can iht away if I tried to escape
「Clever, as a reward I will murder youuuu!!!」
「As if I would let 」
Lelia shouts and charges towards Rei, instead of dodging Rei takes a stance
Lelia charges recklessly without noticing his actions
And then Lelia attacks Rei's body ーー
「It's not good to be stingy!!」
Instead of Rei being blown off, it's Lelia that was knocked down to the ground
Not being able to understand what just happened, Lelia quickly up and speaks
「What did you do」
「Nothing It's just the mere difference in our ability」
Rei says so while plunging towards Lelia
Now, it's tiet serious