Part 62 (1/2)
”About four months.”
”Who is the head of the settlement there?”
”Jefferson Pettigrew.”
”He is the moneyed man, is he?”
”Is he a friend of yours?”
”He is my best friend,” answered Rodney warmly.
”He thinks a good deal of you, then?”
”I think he does.”
”Where have you been--on a journey?”
”Yes, to the town of Babc.o.c.k.”
”Did he send you?”
”What interest has he there?”
”He is chief owner of a mine there.”
”Humph! I suppose you would like to know why we brought you here.”
”I would very much.”
”We propose to hold you for ransom.”
”But why should you? I am only a poor boy.”
”You are the friend of Jefferson Pettigrew. He is a rich man. If he wants you back he must pay a round sum.”
It was all out now! These men were emulating a cla.s.s of outlaws to be found in large numbers in Italy and Sicily, and were trading upon human sympathy and levying a tax upon human friends.h.i.+p.
Rodney realized his position. The alternative was not a pleasant one.
Either he must remain in the power of these men, or cost his friend Mr.