Part 51 (1/2)
”You never were very far from Burton, Uncle Cyrus?”
”I went to Montpelier once,” answered the old man with evident pride.
”It is a nice sizable place. I stopped at the tavern, and had a good time.”
It was the only journey the old man had ever made, and he would never forget it.
”Uncle Cyrus,” said Jefferson, ”this is the young man who I thought might advance you money on a new mortgage. Suppose we invite him to go over the farm, and take a look at it so as to see what he thinks of the investment.”
”Sartain, Jefferson, sartain! I do hope Mr. Ropes you'll look favorable on the investment. It is Jefferson's idea, but it would be doin' me a great favor.”
”Mr. Pettigrew will explain the advantages of the farm as we go along,”
said Rodney.
So they walked from field to field, Jefferson expatiating to his young friend upon the merits of the investment, Rodney asking questions now and then to carry out his part of the shrewd and careful boy capitalist.
When they had made a tour of the farm Jefferson said: ”Well, Rodney, what do you think of the investment?”
”I am satisfied with it,” answered Rodney. ”Mr. Hooper, I will advance you the money on the conditions mentioned by my friend, Mr. Pettigrew.”
Tears of joy came into the eyes of Cyrus Hooper and his worn face showed relief.
”I am very grateful, young man,” he said. ”I will see that you don't regret your kindness.”
”When will Squire Sheldon be over to settle matters, Uncle Cyrus?” asked Jefferson.
”He is comin' this afternoon at two o'clock.”
”Then Rodney and I will be over to take part in the business.”
On the morning of the same day Squire Sheldon sat in his study when the servant came in and brought a card.
”It's a gentleman thats come to see you, sir,” she said.
Lemuel Sheldon's eye brightened when he saw the name, for it was that of a railroad man who was interested in the proposed road from Sherborn.
”I am glad to see you, Mr. Caldwell,” he said cordially, rising to receive his guest. ”What is the prospect as regards the railroad?”
”I look upon it as a certainty,” answered Enoch Caldwell, a grave, portly man of fifty.
”And it is sure to pa.s.s through our town?”
”Yes, I look upon that as definitely decided.”