Part 16 (2/2)
”You can tell me later on, but now I am going out on an errand.”
In about an hour Rodney returned. He had been detained at two of the places where he called.
”Do you remember what I said?” asked the young clerk as he pa.s.sed.
”The first rule of the establishment is for a new hand to treat ME on his first day.”
”That's pretty good for you,” said Rodney, laughing; ”I shall have to wait till my pay is raised.”
About the middle of the afternoon, as Rodney was helping to unpack a crate of goods, the older boy whom he had already seen in the office below, walked up to him and said, ”Is your name Ropes?”
”You are wanted in Mr. Goodnow's office.”
Rodney went down stairs, feeling a little nervous. Had he done wrong, and was he to be reprimanded?
He could think of nothing deserving censure. So far as he knew he had attended faithfully to all the duties required of him.
As he entered the office, he saw that Mr. Goodnow had a visitor, whose face looked familiar to him. He recalled it immediately as the face of the English gentleman who had visited the Lodging House the day previous with his employer.
”So I find you at work?” he said, offering his hand with a smile.
”Yes, sir,” answered Rodney gratefully, ”thanks to you.”
”How do you think you will like it?”
”Very much, sir. It is so much better than going around the street with nothing to do.”
”I hope you will try to give satisfaction to my friend, Mr. Goodnow.”
”I shall try to do so, sir.”
”You mustn't expect to rise to be head salesman in a year. Festina lente, as the Latin poet has it.”
”I shall be satisfied with hastening slowly, sir.”
”What! you understand Latin?”
”Pretty well, sir.”
”Upon my word, I didn't expect to find a boy in the News boys' Lodging House with cla.s.sical attainments. Perhaps you know something of Greek also!” he said doubtfully.
In reply Rodney repeated the first line of the Iliad.
”Astonis.h.i.+ng!” exclaimed Mr. Mulgrave, putting up his eyegla.s.s, and surveying Rodney as if he were a curious specimen. ”You don't happen to know anything of Sanscrit, do you?”