Part 16 (1/2)

BELIN. We'll put on our masks to secure his ignorance. [_They put on their masks_.]

SIR JO. Nay, Gad, I'll pick up; I'm resolved to make a night on't. I'll go to Alderman Fondlewife by and by, and get fifty pieces more from him.

Adslidikins, bully, we'll wallow in wine and women. Why, this same Madeira wine has made me as light as a gra.s.shopper. Hist, hist, bully, dost thou see those tearers? [_Sings_.] Look you what here is--look you what here is--toll--loll--dera--toll--loll--agad, t'other gla.s.s of Madeira, and I durst have attacked 'em in my own proper person, without your help.

BLUFF. Come on then, knight. But do you know what to say to them?

SIR JO. Say: pooh, pox, I've enough to say--never fear it--that is, if I can but think on't: truth is, I have but a treacherous memory.

BELIN. O frightful! cousin, what shall we do? These things come towards us.

ARAM. No matter. I see Vainlove coming this way--and, to confess my failing, I am willing to give him an opportunity of making his peace with me--and to rid me of these c.o.xcombs, when I seem opprest with 'em, will be a fair one.

BLUFF. Ladies, by these hilts you are well met.

ARAM. We are afraid not.

BLUFF. What says my pretty little knapsack carrier. [_To_ BELINDA.]

BELIN. O monstrous filthy fellow! good slovenly Captain Huffe, Bluffe (what is your hideous name?) be gone: you stink of brandy and tobacco, most soldier-like. Foh. [_Spits_.]

SIR JO. Now am I slap-dash down in the mouth, and have not one word to say! [_Aside_.]

ARAM. I hope my fool has not confidence enough to be troublesome.


SIR JO. Hem! Pray, madam, which way is the wind?

ARAM. A pithy question. Have you sent your wits for a venture, sir, that you enquire?

SIR JO. Nay, now I'm in, I can prattle like a magpie. [_Aside_.]


[_To them_] SHARPER _and_ VAINLOVE _at some distance_.

BELIN. Dear Araminta, I'm tired.

ARAM. 'Tis but pulling off our masks, and obliging Vainlove to know us.

I'll be rid of my fool by fair means.--Well, Sir Joseph, you shall see my face; but, be gone immediately. I see one that will be jealous, to find me in discourse with you. Be discreet. No reply; but away. [_Unmasks_.]

SIR JO. The great fortune, that dined at my Lady Freelove's! Sir Joseph, thou art a made man. Agad, I'm in love up to the ears. But I'll be discreet, and hushed. [_Aside_.]

BLUFF. Nay, by the world, I'll see your face.

BELIN. You shall. [_Unmasks_.]