Chapter 319 (1/2)
Chapter 319: The One Addicted to Flowers Follows Silently
Eldest Brother replied warmly, ”We can change the way we address each other once we meet the teacher in Chang'an. You can call me Senior Brother like how Youngest Brother does. Do not worry about my travel plans. As for me, cultivation is but a long journey. What's more, we have to head to Tuyang City, so it's on the way to Chang'an.”
Ning Que listened to the conversation between the two and seemed to have sensed something. However, he was unwilling to think further subconsciously. And when he heard the mention of Tuyang City, he realized that they were about to meet Xia Hou, and could not help worrying.
He did not speak up about his worries. For no matter how dangerous Tuyang City was, he could not convince someone like Eldest Brother to avoid it. However, his worries were evident to all.
Eldest Brother said, ”I did not know what had happened with the Horse Gang when we were at the Hulan Sea. But now that I do, and what with him trying to steal the Tomes of Arcane, he has to answer for it.”
His speech was calm and warm, and the speed at which he delivered it was slow. The contents of his statement were simple and clear too, and the logic behind it was strong. No matter whether you belonged to the Haotian Taoism or the Devil's Doctrine, and no matter you were a royalty of an empire or a famed general, you'd have to answer for being an enemy of the Academy.
It had been long since someone had to answer for anything to the back of the mountain of Academy because it had been a long time since anyone had dared to be disrespectful to the Academy. The last time anyone had to answer to the Academy was the numerous peach blossoms on the Peach Mountain of the West-Hill Divine Palace.
The winds did not stop in the Wilderness. It swirled up a thick layer of snow, but had no place to leave it but on the ground. The snow on the ground was still as thick and neither the rolling wheels or horse hooves could make too much of a sound as they flattened the ground beneath them.
The wind and snow had stopped eventually one day. The sun peaked out from behind the clouds furtively, s.h.i.+ning warmly on the ground. The urgent clopping of horse hooves could be heard from afar in the Wilderness. While the clopping of hooves was very clear, it was evident that there was only one rider. One could imagine the speed of the rider from the sounds of the hooves.
The Big Black Horse pulled
the heavy carriage through the snow with great difficulty. He lowered his head and smacked his thick lips despondently. When he heard the clopping of hooves, he raised his head suddenly and looked out far. His black eyeb.a.l.l.s rolled quickly, and he looked excited and exceptionally alert.
A white shadow rushed out from behind the snow-covered hills like an arrow. It was an exceptionally handsome snow-white horse. It was the horse that had garnered attention at the horse racing event at the palace but had eventually lost pathetically to the Big Black Horse. There was a beautiful girl in leather robes riding it. She was the princess of the Yuelun Kingdom, Lu Chenjia.
The Snow Horse had mud stains on its hooves and did not look as pure or beautiful as it once did. It was evident that they had traveled a long distance without time to rest. The girl on the horseback was just as beautiful, but there was sadness and worry etched on her face and she looked very haggard. The three Addicts were regarded as the most beautiful young cultivators of their generation. However, the Flower Addict was said to be the best looking out of all three of them. No one knew why she looked so haggard.
The sprinting Snow Horse rushed out of the hills and saw the slow-moving horse carriage in the Wilderness. It slowed down and discovered that the horse pulling the carriage was the annoying black trouble and could not help but whinny. It felt like rus.h.i.+ng up to it and biting it, but the subconscious fear in it made it avoid the other horse. Her chaotic thoughts affected her actions, and her limbs which were weak due to their long travels gave way. It stumbled and barely avoided falling forward.
Lu Chenjia's brows furrowed. She lifted the reins in her right hand and barely managed to control the horse. She was barely ten steps away from the horse carriage and could clearly see the people in it.
The curtains of the carriage were lifted.
Lu Chenjia looked at the window. Her gaze was as cold as the ice in the wild. Pain and hatred marred her black pupils, and she no longer looked like the silent beautiful flower she once was.
An average-looking scholar with a warm expression looked at her when the curtains of the carriage window were lifted completely. He nodded a greeting towards her, surprising Lu Chenjia. Then, she saw Ning Que and Mo Shanshan behind the scholar.
She could guess who the scholar was. She sighed after a moment of silence and bowed politely. Then, she did not say anything, but kicked the horse's belly, nudging the nervous Snow Horse away from the Big Black Horse. She made her way to the depths of the Wilderness.
”Where is she going? She's a young lady and walking around in the Wilderness alone is really dangerous. She might be of high status and no one might dare to hurt her in the Central Plains, but this is the Wilderness. Furthermore, she might encounter the dangerous blizzard. It would be a problem even if she were to meet with Desolate Man. The Desolate Man have no good intentions towards the Buddhist and Taoism sects.”
Ning Que looked at the Snow Horse disappearing into the distance and sighed.
All were silent in the carriage as n.o.body replied.
He was surprised, and realised that both Eldest Brother and Shanshan were looking at him with a myriad of emotions in their eyes.
”What is it?”
Eldest Brother smiled and did not say anything.
After a moment of silence, Shanshan spoke up. ”I realized that Ye Hongyu was right. You are indeed very shameless.”