Part 27 (1/2)

Zaren went on, ”Venus had a task to accomplish before the G.o.ds would allow her back on Kelari. It didn't go as planned. Our deities wouldn't respond to my emergency message, so I don't know what kind of welcome home we're going to receive. She's been accused of being a traitor and killing a sacred animal. With you tagging along, the task she was supposed to accomplish . . .”

Michael watched him blink back angry tears.

”What did her job have to do with me?” Michael knew his coming had been the right decision. Now Zaren said he'd made everything worse for her. His gut told him it wasn't true. It couldn't be.

Zaren rubbed his fingers into his hair, as though he could make a wish and solve all of their problems. He leaned back in the white banana-looking chair. ”I . . . don't know if I should tell you, Michael.”

”Why not? Maybe if I knew what she was supposed to do, I could help.” If Ith and Aetha were still going to be angry with her, and it was his fault, well that wouldn't do.

”It's so . . . stupid.” He cringed.

”Then spit it out, dude.” Zaren frustrated him.

”You were supposed to find true love,” he said, dejectedly and closed his eyes.

Michael waited for him to continue. There had to be more to it. He remembered what Venus told him about finding love. That conversation started to make more sense, but still . . . ”Why would your G.o.ds care if I found love, let alone true love.”

”I don't know.” Zaren shook his head. ”I've thought it was the most ridiculous request I'd ever heard, but as the Princess's personal guardian, it wasn't my place to question, only serve. I've failed.”


He inclined his head. ”Venus. She's heir to Alayeah's throne.”

”Alayeah?” He couldn't help the questions. Venus had told him a lot, but obviously not nearly enough. A princess. That explained so much.

”Alayeah is the largest civilized country on our planet. She's meant to rule it someday. Now . . .” he trailed off, shaking his head. ”I've no idea what's to become of her. She may be killed the moment we land, if she lives that long.”

Instinctively, Michael tightened his grip. ”And all I had to do was find true love?” It was his turn to shake his head. It sounded so simple-easy.

Why would they pick such a task? And why me? I'm n.o.body.

He did love Cheverly. Was it a forever kind of love? He'd care about her always, but in love? The answer was no. He'd loved his mother too, but that was more out of loyalty. He let out a frustrated laugh. In love? He looked down, into the face of his angel. He'd briefly supposed she'd been sent to kill him. Instead she'd given him back his life. Venus. The truth in his heart was more difficult.

To Zaren, he said, ”I'm seventeen. True love, that's ridiculous.” Even as he said the words though, he knew he lied. Age. Time. s.p.a.ce. None of it matters when you find The One. His heart swelled at the knowledge.

”I know, Michael. But that was the condition of her return.” He opened his eyes and sat forward. ”When we land, I don't know what kind of welcome we'll receive. Stay inside the Transport. Let me take Venus. I'll come back for you.”


52. Every Breath You Take.

Venus faded in and out, between consciousness and nightmares. The last thing she knew for certain was that Michael helped her into the Transport. After that, everything was fuzzy. For one thing, it seemed he was insidewith her. Impossible. That had to be a dream. It had to be Zaren holding her, keeping her safe.

His presence comforted and saddened her. Venus hadn't wanted to leave Michael. He still needed her. Secondly, their connection buoyed her in a way she'd never experienced. When she wasn't near him, everything felt . . . off. It was the G.o.ds' fault. They'd bound hers and Michael's souls together. She'd done her best to accomplish what they'd asked. Michael did love Cheverly-he'd told her so. Yet, for some reason, she and Michael were still connected.

Venus hoped he'd be all right and that he'd find contentment in his life.

Breathing was difficult and she struggled to move. Zaren had to have been the one to start the Transport. Warmth encircled her heart-that he'd risk so much.

She worried as well. Their law demanded that all Transports be returned or destroyed (if necessary). To leave one behind was out of the question. Terrible consequences would be taken against those who broke the law. Not that she worried about herself. What more could the G.o.ds do to her? Death was it-the final chapter. The end. But they would punish Zaren.

Venus had to live to make sure they realized that she was to blame for leaving the Transport behind. She had to live to save Zaren. One good thing had come from her being sent to Earth. It'd given her the chance to experience emotions. And she'd been able to recognize them for what they were. She cared for Zaren. Remembering the way he'd kissed her arm and wrist, the way he always told her the truth, the way he smelled. All of him. Maybe she felt more for him than she realized. Maybe she loved him.

She'd also had strong emotions for Michael-still did. Venus guessed that had to do with their connection. What more could it be? To have feelings for a human? Or to develop such strong emotions in such a short amount of time wasn't possible. The only answer had to be the tie (whatever that meant) the G.o.ds had placed between them. Figuring it out wasn't important. Michael remained on his world, where he belonged. Zaren was in trouble. He was her first priority. Venus snuggled further into Zaren's chest. So strong. Firm.

Strangely though, on several occasions she thought she heard Zaren speaking with Michael. It had to be her lack of carbon dioxide. Going so long without kelarian air had her hearing things. She'd worry later. Right now she needed rest. Whatever happened when they landed, she had to be prepared. And that meant getting stronger.

53. Stranger In Town.

Venus awakened to arguing.

”Stay inside until I come back for you. I'm going to take her to see the G.o.ds.” Zaren sounded agitated. So not him.

”Fine. Fine. I'll stay, but hurry.”

Still, she easily recognized who'd spoken.

Venus lifted her head from his chest. ”What are you doing here?” Her lungs were breathing easier. She'd returned home-had to be. Venus opened her eyes and noticed his face. It looked pinched. He appeared to be in pain. ”Michael?”

”Hi,” he said softly, moving his arms from around her waist, a small grin on his face.

It had been Michael who'd kept her safe, protected her.

Zaren reached in and pulled her from Michael's lap. She felt like an invalid. ”Stop. Put me down. I can walk.” Venus glanced back at Michael, then up into Zaren's face. ”I'm fine.”

He released her. She took a step. Her legs gave way and she started to fall. Michael bolted out of the c.o.c.kpit, but that hadn't been necessary. Zaren steadied her. ”Princess. Let me carry you.” He pulled her into his arms.

Venus huffed. ”You shouldn't be wasting your time.”

”You don't know that.” He moved with sure-footed ease. The misty air surrounding the Manshum Mountains was so dense she could taste it, reach out and touch it. No one had told her where they were, but it was obvious.

For so much mist swirling around it was a wonder anything could grow, but as they walked, Venus heard the vegetation brush against Zaren, and the thick gra.s.s getting smashed under his shoes. Off to the right, beadizens were chirping noisily, their small orange wings slas.h.i.+ng through the air above, and their song eerie in the dark night.

Every once in a while she'd hear the scurry of little creatures rustling through the bushes-probably muscaratys. White and long-haired, four little paws with razor-sharp claws and a twitchy nose with whiskers. Their long, floppy ears, soft and almost reaching the floor. A long thin tail with a poof of fur on the end. They'd be adorable if it weren't for their vicious temperament. Thankfully they didn't hunt in packs.

She snuck a look at Zaren's face. He looked solid, concentrating on the task at hand. His eyes flitted back and forth, scanning for danger as he went. Kelvieri had perfect vision. It didn't matter the terrain or conditions. Some immortals were better at hunting than other. Zaren was one of the best. Venus doubted he remembered she rested in his arms.

Zaren. Testing to see if he could still read her thoughts. No response. Venus let out a sigh of relief. It was nice to have some privacy.

After a few minutes they reached the mouth of the cave. As in the love story of the G.o.ds, the entrance loomed before them-gigantic. Like an enormous, howling wraith, it would swallow them whole.

Zaren stepped inside.

She held her breath. Another doorway. Death waits for me in there. I know it.

He stopped on the other side of the entrance. They were coc.o.o.ned in darkness thick as irrihunter blood. She expected more, like Formytians waiting to bind them and drag them to the G.o.ds. Or a screeching, flying Mingtar the size of an adult kelarian, its grand red beak sent to rip her to shreds, and then carry her pieces to the feet to the G.o.ds.