Part 58 (1/2)

”I'll pay you after the job is done, Tommy.”

”No yer don't. Dis is a cash-in-advance job.”

”Can't you trust me?”

”I kin, but I ain't goin' ter.”

”It's to your interest as much as ours to have him out of the way.”

”Dat's all right, too, but its pay or no job, Hardwick.”

”If I pay you now you may make a balk as you did before.”

”No, dis will be a sure t'ing, I'll give yer me word.”

”Then here you are.”

A silence followed.

”Is that right?” asked Hardwick.

”Yes. But, remember, dis ain't part of dat t'ousand I'm ter have fer dat udder work.”

”I understand. Now, go for the coach, and I'll stay till you come back.

It's getting dark, and the street is almost deserted.”

”I will. Better lock der door, and don't unlock it again till yer hear four knocks; see?”


Macklin at once went off, and Hal heard Hardwick lock the door after him as agreed, but the key was left in the lock.

By the conversation Hal knew it must be later than he had supposed.

Under cover of the darkness Macklin was going to bring a coach to the place. For what purpose?

In spite of his naturally brave spirit, Hal s.h.i.+vered. He was in the power of a desperate set of men, and he had learned enough of their secrets to convict every one of them. They would not hesitate to do anything to escape their just deserts.

”I must fight for it,” he muttered to himself, ”and now is the best time to do it.”

He opened the closet door cautiously, and peeped out. Hardwick sat in an easy-chair, smoking savagely, as if he were out of humor. No one else was in the place.

The office was heavily carpeted, so Hal made no noise as he stepped out of the closet. He had to pa.s.s within five feet of Hardwick, who sat with his back half turned to the boy.

Hardly daring to breathe, Hal tiptoed his way past Hardwick and into the outer office, the door to which stood wide open. Here it was quite dark, and the boy saw through the window that it was again snowing heavily.

At last the door was reached, and his hand was upon the key, ready to turn it in the lock.