Part 45 (1/2)

”Mr. Arnold?” The negro shook his head.

”But he must be,” persisted Hal. ”He said he was coming here.”

”Don't t'ink I see him, sah. What kind ob a lookin' gen'men he is?”

”About medium built, with a dark mustache,” replied Hal. ”I have important news for him. He said he was going to try his luck here to-night.”

”I see, sah. Den you knows dis place, sah.”

”Oh, yes!”

”Come in, sah.”

Hal entered, and the door was closed and locked behind him.

”Now you kin go upstairs an' see if de gen'men am here,” said the negro.

”He might be, yo' know, an' I not know his name, sah.”

”All right; I'll take a look around,” replied Hal.



Hal felt that his situation was a delicate one, and that he must go slow. Were it discovered that he had entered the den of vice merely for the purpose of spying, it might go hard with him.

The negro waved his hand toward the thickly carpeted stairway, and Hal ascended to the second floor of the mansion.

He looked behind to see if the negro had followed, but that burly individual had disappeared.

The upper hall-way was as dark as below, but from under several doors a bright light was streaming.

Hal approached the first one he came to, and, removing his hat, tried the handle.

The door came open, and Hal peered into the apartment.

No one was present, but a young man asleep in an arm-chair, and Hal stepped inside.

The room was gorgeously furnished, costly rugs covering the floor, and heavy curtains hanging over the doors. On the walls were beautiful paintings, and on a stand to one side of the room rested a remarkable piece of statuary representing three jolly gamblers at the gaming-table.

”It must be some sort of a waiting-room,” thought Hal. ”I wonder who the fellow asleep in the chair is?”

He gave a slight cough, and the young man slowly opened his eyes.

”Did anybody call me?” he asked, in a heavy tone.

”Where is the playing-room, please?” asked Hal.

”Eh? playing-room?” repeated the young man. ”Go right in the next room.”