Part 37 (1/2)

”You bet.”

”He ought to be squeezed a little,” said Ferris, reflectively. ”He makes a small fortune alongside of what we get out of it.”

”Yes, but der trouble is, yer can't corner him,” responded Macklin. ”If yer try, yer git yerself in trouble. But before long----” he did not finish in words, but bobbed his head vigorously.

”Where's your wife?” asked Ferris, glancing around.

”Der old woman's gone to der market.”

”Ain't any one else here, is there?”

Ferris glanced around suspiciously. ”No.”

”Then supposing we come to an understanding?” went on Ferris, in a low tone. ”We both do work for Hardwick, and we ought to get more money for it.”


”Unless we get together we can't do anything. But when he finds we are both of a mind he may listen to us, and both of us will make by it.”

Hal listened to every word of this conversation with deep interest. From it he discovered that Macklin was a tool of Hardwick as well as Ferris and both were in the habit of doing underhand work for the ex-book-keeper.

”If either of them would only mention something definite,” he thought.

”The tin box robbery for instance. Then I would be certain I was on the right track.”

”That's an idea, Ferris,” replied Macklin. ”It ain't fair fer Hardwick ter be rollin' in money an' me livin' here.”

”That's it.”

”I uster be jest as fine a liver as him, Ferris, in the flush days. An'

when old Sumner took Hardwick in an' bounced me----”

Macklin did not finish. There was a racket in the hall-way, and then came the tones of an excited Irishwoman.

”Phot's this? Phot be yez doin' here, young mon, sn'akin' along like a thafe? Tommy Macklin, c.u.m here!”



The Irishwoman had come up behind Hal so softly--she wore rubbers--that the youth did not hear her, and he was, therefore, thoroughly startled when she made the exclamation quoted at the end of the preceding chapter.

Ferris and Macklin jumped to their feet and both rushed out in the hall.

”What's the row, Mary?” cried the latter.

”Sure an' that's phot Oi want to know,” replied the woman. ”Oi found this fellow pakin' in the kay-hole of your dure, so Oi did.”

”It's Hal Carson!” exclaimed Ferris. ”So this is the way you followed me, eh?” he continued.