Part 28 (1/2)

”Never mind; I know all about it.”

”Then Ferris saw you last night.”

”No, he didn't.”

”Or this morning.”

”Shut up. You implicated me.”

”Did d.i.c.k Ferris say I did?” asked Hal.

”Never mind who said so. I want to know what you mean by such work?”

Hal did not reply. He was trying to think. What was Ferris' object in telling Hardwick he had been mentioned in connection with the matter?

Clearly there could be but one reason. Ferris knew Hardwick already disliked Hal, and he wished to put the book-keeper against the youth, so as to get Hal into more difficulties.

”Do you hear me?” demanded Hardwick, giving Hal an extra squeeze on the throat.

”I do,” gulped Hal. ”Let--go--of me.”

”Not until you have answered.”

Hal commenced to struggle. Seeing this, Hardwick tried to strike him with the ruler, which, on account of its bra.s.s-bound edge, was an ugly weapon. The ruler came down twice, the second time cutting a gash on the youth's neck, from which the blood flowed copiously.

This last blow aroused all the lion in Hal's nature. As the reader knows, he was a well-built boy, and strong for his age. He gave a sudden wrench and broke away.

”Stand back!” he cried. ”Don't you dare to touch me again!”

Hardwick glanced toward the door, to see that no one was coming.

”I'll show you!” he hissed, pa.s.sionately.

He rushed at Hal again. The youth saw him coming, and, drawing back his arm, he planted a blow on Hardwick's nose that sent the blood spurting in all directions.

Hardwick was more surprised than hurt. Had that poor house chap dared to hit him? He turned first red and then white.

”I'll fix you!” he cried.

”Stand back, I tell you!” commanded Hal; he was getting excited himself.

But Hardwick would not stand back, and, as a consequence, he received a blow on the forehead that almost stunned him.

”You beggar, you've got muscle, haven't you?” he cried. ”We'll try a different method with you.”

He ran toward his desk, and opened it. An instant later Hal saw a revolver in his hand.

”Now we will see who is on top here,” said Hardwick.

It would be useless to deny that Hal was frightened at the sight of the s.h.i.+ning barrel. He backed several feet.