Part 20 (1/2)

”How are you, Hardwick?” returned the new-comer. ”Locked me out, did you?”

”I must have turned the key without thinking,” replied the book-keeper.

”All alone?”

”No, there is a young fellow with me.”



”Don't know him.”

”I just brought him around to show him the place, and have a quiet smoke. He is in the other room.”

”Then don't let me disturb you,” replied Churchley. ”I just want to look over the news-papers and find out how that prize-fight over in Hoboken came off.”

Hal heard the man drop into a seat by the table, and after a few more words concerning the prize-fight Churchley had mentioned, Hardwick rejoined Ferris in the other apartment.

”Who is it?” asked Ferris.

”A man named Churchley,” replied Hardwick, in a low tone, so that he might not be overheard.

”One of the club members?”


”Will he overhear us?”

”I guess not. He is reading about the prize-fight, and when Churchley gets on to anything of that kind he gets completely absorbed.”

”Then we can go on with our talk?”

”Yes, but not too loud.”

”I want to know about this plan against Carson,” said Ferris, in a whisper.

”Are you willing to go in against him?”

”Didn't I say I was?”

”But I mean seriously?”

Ferris changed color.

”Of course I don't want to kill him,” he faltered.

”I understand. But you are willing to get him into serious trouble.”

”I am.”