Part 17 (1/2)
[110: Page 6, ante.]
[111: The Cosmopolite, 4 Bob. Kep. 8.]
[112: The Abigail, Stewart's Adm. Rep. p. 360.]
[113: Shroeder _v_. Vaux, 15 East. Rep. 52; 3 Camp. N.P. Rep. p. 83; the Cosmopolite, 4 Rob. 8.]
[114: The Dauk Vaarhirt, 1 Dod. Adm. Rep. 187.]
[115: The Dauk Vaarhirt, 1 Dod. Adm. Rep. 187.]
[116: Idem.]
[117: The Jonge Arend, 5 Rob. 14.]
[118: The Henrietta, 1 Dod. Adm. Rep. 173.]
[119: The Jonge Johannes, 4 Rob. Adm. Rep. 268.]
[120: Idem.]
[121: The Jonge, 5 Rob. Adm. Rep. 297.]
[122: The Cousinne Marianne, Edw. 346.]
[123: The Twee Gebroeders, Edw. Adm. Rep. 95.]
[124: The Manly, I Dod. 257.]
[125: Europa, Edw. 42.]
[126: Golden Hoop, Nov. 7, 1809, 1 Edw. Rep.]
[127: The St. Ivan, Edw. 376.]
[128: 1 Kent, 103. The statutes are, 22 Geo. 3, c. 25; 35 Geo. 3, c.
66, sections 35, 36; 45 Geo. 3, c. 72, sections 16, 17, 18, and 19.]
[129: There are a few other general points with respect to ransoms, which will be found _infra_ under recaptures. Valin is the authority, and his law will be found well summed up in the 2nd volume of Wildman's Inst.i.tutes of International Law. There are few cases on the subject; the chief are, Ricard _v._ Bellenham, 3 Burr, 1734; Yates _v._ Hall, 3 T.R. 76, 80; Authon _v._ Fisher, Corner _v._ Blackburn, 2 Doug.]
[130: Martens on Privateers and Recaptures.]
[131: The Ceylon, I Dod. 105; l'Actif, Edw. 185, _vide etiam_; the Nostra Signora, 3 Bob. 10; the Georgiana, I Dod. 397; the Horatio, 6 Rob. 320.]
[132: The Edward and Mary, 3 Rob. 305.]
[133: The Pensamento Felix, Edw. 115.]
[134: The Charlotte Caroline, 1 Dod. 194.]