Part 30 (1/2)

The old woman gestured to Anton first. He squeezed Violetta's hand before taking a step forward and dropping down onto one knee. ”With your humblest permission, I believe I am the right choice to rule our country,” Sergei whispered to her.

Baba nodded her head and waved him back. She then turned to her granddaughter. Anastasia stepped forward and curtsied at her grandmother's feet. ”With my sincerest belief, Sebastian is the worthy choice to rule our country.” She rose and stepped back beside her husband.

Baba then turned to Sebastian. The old Queen's eyes settled on Kat for a moment, looking at her critically, before beckoning her grandson. Sebastian brought their intertwined fingers to his lips for a kiss before stepping forward and dropping down to one knee. He kneeled, looking at the floor much longer than the others had.

He spoke a single word in Sezynian that had Kat looking at Sergei. ”He asked, 'Anyone?'” Baba nodded her head. ”With my unwavering confidence and absolute trust, I believe ” Sergei gasped and stopped translating, the rest of the room murmuring in shock. But Kat did not need him to finish, she had heard the Prince speak his sister's name as clear as day.

Baba stared at his downturned head for much longer than the others before telling him to rise. He returned to Kat's side and wrapped his arm around her waist, leaning down to place a kiss against her temple. ”It felt like the right thing to say the truth,” he murmured to her.

”Very brave,” she whispered back.

Sebastian took over translating as Baba began to talk. ”I have been considering this decision for many years now. My mind has changed often, considering who will become the next true leader of our country. I chose Viktor many years ago, and he still has a few years left in him I think. But it is time to give Sezynia the stability of a successor.”

She looked at her son, who nodded his head. He knew, Kat realized. What did that face mean? ”I am very well informed on what goes on in this castle,” Sebastian continued to translate. ”I know people believe that I have spies everywhere, in every corner.” The old woman rolled her eyes and a quiet laugh broke out among the a.s.sembled. ”And I never dissuaded these charges because I take my charge very seriously. I needed to be absolute in the person that would sit on the throne and lead us into the future. How I know things is quite simple.”

Baba moved from her small step then and came down to stand in front of them all. ”Welcome to the family my child,” she said to Kat, in perfect English, taking her hands warmly in her own. Everyone's eyes got wide Anton, Anastasia and Sebastian looking at each other in surprise and the room started talking excitedly amongst themselves.

”Thank you,” Kat stammered. But Sebastian couldn't help it he began to laugh. Huge, gasping sobs of laughter that was infectious, spreading throughout the room.

”The amount of times we switched to English to fight in front of Baba is too high to count.” Sebastian looked down the line to Anton. For a brief moment the chill in their eyes thawed. ”Remember when she'd always catch us sneaking out on summer's home from boarding school!”

”Because we planned it right in front of her!” Anton said, shaking his head in amus.e.m.e.nt.

Sebastian let go of Kat to open his arms to his grandmother. He grabbed her shoulders and placed a kiss on each of her cheeks before folding her into an entertained hug. ”I told you not to play poker with this woman. Was I not right? She's had a poker face for the last thirty years!”

”Well at least she knows I didn't really call her a goat.” The old Queen smiled at her kindly and returned to her perch.

Anastasia leaned over to whisper to her brother as the laughter died down. ”If she understands English than she has heard us speak of Violetta.”

The room fell to a hush as Baba turned to them and raised her hand for silence. This was it the giving of the throne. ”With the confidence, support, and faith of all of the royal family, the future ruler of Sezynia will be . . . Princess Anastasia.”

The princess gasped and brought surprised eyes up to her grandmother. ”It is time that we stopped letting tradition confine us. You, my granddaughter, are pa.s.sionate, diplomatic, educated, daring, and not afraid to fight for what you believe is right. I am most satisfied with you, and overjoyed that your brother spoke for you as well, one of the smartest thing he's done in a very long time. You will make all of us, all of Sezynia, proud.” Baba started to clap for her and the room followed her parents stood, royalty gathering around her in a circle. Sebastian couldn't control a wolf whistle of joy as tears streamed down Anastasia's face.

”How are you holding up Roman?” Sebastian asked hours later as the impromptu celebration began to wind down. His wife was across the room, head bent together with, among others, Sergei.

He smiled broadly, showing all of his teeth, and clamped a hand on the Prince's shoulder. ”I could not be happier.”

”What a shock this must be for you.” Kat had been terrified at the prospect of being a Queen and she'd known about the possibility from the beginning.

Roman chuckled softly. ”I had my suspicions. Baba requested an audience with me the night before our wedding. She told me she had big plans for Anastasia and I needed to be very sure of my decision to marry Sezynia's treasure. I remember telling her that I loved Anastasia before I knew she was a princess and I would love her even if she were a queen. Seems very perceptive now, doesn't it?”

”She was the right choice,” Sebastian said.

”She was the only choice,” Roman responded. ”Sebastian, my brother, I love you, but you would have made a truly terrible King.”