Part 60 (1/2)

Amazonia. James Rollins 43530K 2022-07-22

Something glittered at the back of his skull, embedded deep into it.

A s.h.i.+ny silver disk.

Kelly instantly recognized it. She stared off into the woods as screams began to erupt from all around the camp. She saw men drop where they stood or tumble where they sat. Feathered arrows protruded from necks and chests. Several of the bodies convulsed.Poisoned.

Kelly stared again at the limp form of Favre's former lieutenant . . . and the silver disk.

Hope surged.

Dear G.o.d, the others must still be alive!

Kelly turned and found Tshui gone, likely fleeing toward the center of camp, toward Favre, toward where her brother was still held prisoner. By now, the camp was in chaos. Shots began to ring out, orders were yelled, but so far not a single attacker appeared.

It was as if they were being attacked by ghosts.

Men continued to drop.

Kelly grabbed the pistol from Mask's dead body. She could not gamble that the others would reach her brother in time. She darted toward the roiling center of camp.

Nate saw Kelly lunge with a gun in hand.Going after her brother, he knew with certainty. They could wait no longer. He signaled to Private Camera. A sharp whistle blew and an ululating wail arose from the score of Indian throats all around the camp. It was a chilling sound. Nate was already on his feet.

They had painted themselves all in black.

As a group, they lunged into the jungle camp, armed only with arrows, blowguns, and bone knives.

Those who knew how to use modern weapons confiscated them from the dead.

Kostos opened fire with an AK-47 on the left. Off to the right, Carrera switched her Bailey to automatic fire and laid down a swath of death. She emptied her weapon, tossed it aside, then grabbed up a discarded M-16, probably one originally taken from the Rangers.

Nate grabbed up a pistol from dead fingers and ran headlong into the main camp. The mercenaries were still in disarray, only now beginning to fall back into a defensive line. Nate raced through the wet shadows, mean-ing to get behind their lines before they tightened.

As Nate ran, he was spotted by one frightened man, hiding under a bush, clearly unarmed. The man dropped to his knees at the sight of Nate's gun, hands on his head, in a clearly submissive posture.

Nate ran right past him. He had only one goal in mind: to find Kelly and her brother before they came to harm.

On the other side of camp, Kouwe ran with Dakii, flanked by other Indi-ans. He paused to collect a machete from a dead body and toss it to the tribesman. Kouwe confiscated the rifle for himself.

They hurried forward. The line of fighting had fallen toward the camp's center.

But Kouwe suddenly slowed, an instinctual warning tingling through him. He twisted around and spotted an Indian woman slinking from behind a bush. Her skin was dabbed in black like theirs.

Kouwe, having been raised among the tribes of the Amazon, was not so easily fooled. Though she might paint herself to look like them, her Shuar features were distinctive to the educated eye.

He lifted his rifle and pointed it at the woman. ”Don't move, witch!” Favre's woman had been trying to slip past their lines and escape into the woods. Kouwe would not let that happen. He remembered the fate of Cor-poral DeMartini.

The woman froze, turning slowly in his direction. Dakii held back, but Kouwe waved him forward.

There was fighting still to be done.

Dakii took off with his men.

Kouwe was now alone with the woman, surrounded by the dead. He stepped toward her with caution.

He knew he should shoot her where she stood-the witch was surely as deadly as she was beautiful. But Kouwe balked.

”On your knees,” he ordered in Spanish instead. ”Hands high!”

She obeyed, lowering herself with subtle grace, slow and fluid like a snake. She stared up at him fromunder heavily lidded eyes. Smoldering, seductive . . .

When she attacked, Kouwe was a moment too slow in reacting. He pulled the trigger, but the gun just clicked. The magazine was empty.

The woman leaped at him, knives in both hands, poisoned for sure.

Kelly stared at the two mini-Uzis held by Favre. One was pointed at her brother's head, one at her chest. ”Drop the pistol, mademoiselle. Or you both die now!”

Frank mouthed to her. ”Run, Kelly.”

Favre crouched under the lean-to, using her brother's body as a s.h.i.+eld.

She had no choice. She would not leave her brother with the madman. She lowered her pistol and tossed it aside.

Favre quickly crossed to her. He dropped one of the Uzis and pressed the other against Kelly's back.

”We're going to get out of here,” he hissed at her. He s.n.a.t.c.hed up a pack. ”I've got a backup supply of tree sap, prepared for just such an emergency.”

He shouldered the pack, then grabbed Kelly by the back of her s.h.i.+rt.

A shout barked behind them.”Let her go!”

They both turned. Favre twisted around behind her.

Nate stood, bare-chested, in his boxers, painted all in black.

”Gone native, have we, Monsieur Rand?”

Nate pointed a pistol at them. ”You can't escape. Drop your weapon and you'll live:”

Kelly stared at Nate. His eyes were hard.

Gunfire sounded all around them. Shouts and screams echoed.