Part 55 (1/2)
She would kill Louis Favre . . . or die trying.
5:58 PM.
Nate watched the giant black jaguar stalk into the open glade. It was alone. Nate recognized it as the leader of the pack, the sly female. She must have somehow survived Louis's ma.s.s poisoning and instinctively returned to the valley of her birth.
Sergeant Kostos groaned under his breath, ”This day just gets better and better.”
The great beast eyed the bound prisoners, ready-packed meals. Without the repellent black powder, even the Ban-ali were at risk. The black feline G.o.d, created by the Yagga to protect them, had just turned feral.
The beast crept toward them, low to the ground, tail flicking.
Then a flash of fire drew Nate's attention over the cat's muscled shoul-der.Tor-tor loped out of the jungle in its shadow.Showing no sign of fear, Tor-tor raced past the larger cat and rushed at Nate and the others.
Nate was knocked on his side by the cat's show of exuberance.With his master dead, Tor-tor was clearly relieved to rejoin them, seeking consola-tion, rea.s.surance.
Nate choked on his tightening noose. ”Th . . . That's a good boy, Tor-tor:”
The large black cat hung back, watching the strange display.
Tor-tor rolled against him, wanting a pet, something to let him know all was okay. Nate, tied up, couldn'tcomply-but an idea formed.
Nate rolled around, earning a further twist of his noose, and held the ropes out toward the jaguar.Tor-t or sniffed at his bindings. ”Bite through them,” Nate urged, shaking his bound wrists. ”Then I'll pet you, you big furry lug:”
Tor-tor licked Nate's hand, then nosed him in the shoulder.
Nate groaned with frustration. Nate glanced over his shoulder. The giant black cat padded over to him and nudged Tor-tor aside with a small growl.
Nate froze.
The monstersniffed at the hand that Tor-tor had licked, then gazed up at Nate with those penetrating black eyes. He was sure it could smell the abject fear in the man curled at its feet.
Nate remembered how it had torn Frank's limbs off in a single swoop-ing attack.
The jaguar lowered its head to Nate's arms and legs. A rumble sounded through it. Nate felt a fierce tug and was lifted off the ground, strangling in the noose. For a momentary flash, Nate wondered if he would be strangled before being eaten. He prayed for the former.
Instead, Nate found himself dropped back to the ground. He cringed a moment, then realized his arms were loose. Taking advantage of the opportunity, Nate rolled away with a kick and a twist. He sat up, glancing to the severed ropes dangling from his wrists. The cat had freed him.
Nate yanked at the constricting noose.
The large black jaguar watched him.Tor-tor brushed the giant cap flank, a clear display of affection, and crossed to Nate.
After working free the noose, Nate tossed it aside. His ankles were still bound, but before he could free his legs, he had a friend to thank.
Tor-tor shoved into him, bowing his furry head into Nate's chest.
He scratched that special spot behind both ears, earning a rumbled purr of satisfaction. ”That's a good boy . . . you did good:”
A small sad whine flowed from the cat.
Nate pulled Tor-tor's head up and stared into those golden eyes. ”I loved Manny, too,” Nate whispered.
Tor-tor nuzzled his face, snuffling.
Nate endured it, making small soothing sounds to the cat.Eventually Tor-tor backed a step away. Nate was able to free his ankles.
Beyond Tor-tor, the giant black jaguar sat on its haunches.Tor-tor must have run into the female after Manny's death. He must have directed her here. Manny had been proven right a couple nights back.
Some bond must have developed between the two young cats. Perhaps the ties had grown even deeperby their shared grief.Tor-tor for his master, the female for her pack.
Nate stood and freed Kouwe. Together they unbound the others. Nate found himself untying the ropes from Dakii's limbs. Here was the Indian scout who had been responsible for sending the piranhas and locusts upon their party. But Nate could no longer touch his old anger. The Indian had only been protecting his people-and as it turned out, rightly so. Nate helped Dakii up, staring at the smoky ruins of the village. Who were the true monsters of the jungle?
Dakii hugged Nate tightly.
”Don't thank me yet;” Nate said. Around the glade, the other Indians were being untied, but Nate focused on the tree with its nine napalm bombs chained around its trunk.
Sergeant Kostos pa.s.sed by, rubbing his chafed wrists. ”I'm going to see about disarming the charges.
Camera's off to see if she can find the weapon she hid:”
Nate nodded. Nearby, the freed Ban-ali gathered around the two jaguars. Both cats were now lounging in the shade, seemingly oblivious to the audience. But Nate noticed the larger female watching everything through slitted eyes. The cat was not letting its guard down.
Anna and Kouwe stepped over to join him. ”We're free, but what now?” the professor asked.
Note shook his head.
Anna crossed her arms.
”What's wrong?” Nate asked, noticing her deeply furrowed brow.
”Richard Zane. If we ever get out of this mess, I'm quitting Tellux.”
Note smiled despite their situation. ”I'll be right behind you with my own letter of resignation.”
After a bit, Sergeant Kostos strode back to them, wearing his usual scowl. ”The bombs are all hardwired and I can't stop the detonation sequence or remove the devices:'
”There's nothing you can do?” Kouwe asked.
The Ranger shook his head. ”I have to give that French b.a.s.t.a.r.d's team some credit. They did a great job, d.a.m.n them:'
”How much time?” Anna asked.
”Just under two hours. The digital timers are set to blow at eight o'clock:”
Note frowned at the tree. ”Then we'll either have to find another way out of this valley or seek some type of shelter:'
”Forget shelter,” Kostos said. ”We need to be as f.u.c.king far from here as possible when those babies blow. Even without the additional incendiaries placed by Favre's men, those nine napalmers are enough to fry this entire plateau:” Note took him at his word. ”Where's Dakii? Maybe he knows another way out of here:”